While other candidates are on the hustings, Marc Garneau in his capacity as Canada’s Foreign Affairs minister is spending a significant chunk of his time preoccupied with evolving situations...
Rosie Awori (LJI) Former basketball star, Trevor Williams is proud of many things. One of them is his Trevor Williams Kids Foundation, where for the past 28 years he...
For four decades, Lorraine Klaasen has been lighting up stages around the world with her exhilarating performances of African songs and dance. For most of that four decades the...
Emma Elbourne-Weinstock admits to having been among the army of millennials who have become cynical and disillusioned with party politics but soon realized that apathy was not a choice....
Since 1985 the Caribbean Pioneer Women of Canada has been offering scholarships and bursaries to deserving students in Montreal and Jamaica. Over the years, the long-standing organization has handed...
The recently formed Dr. Kenneth Melville McGill Black Faculty and Staff Caucus has been a long time in the making. The first Black professor at McGill University was Quebec...
It’s a tough call on the government’s decision to institute mandatory vaccination for Quebec healthcare workers, given the fact that many families stand to be impacted at a precarious...
Rosie Awori (LJI) On Tuesday September 7, the Quebec government announced that all health care workers no longer have the option of turning down the vaccine. And as of...
Promises and counter promises… political auctioneering at its best as stupendous amounts of money are being seductively blown around like magic dust by the candidates vying for Canadians’ votes...
On September 3, Drake released his latest album “Certified Lover Boy.” Comprises of 21 songs and lasting over 86 minutes of listening, this latest effort (if one could call...