We’re not quite out of the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, but just as some people around the world begin to remove their masks, acting as though the disease has moved on to some out-of-this-world uninhabited place, having ravaged this sole worldly place to the tune of millions, at least 3 million according to some estimates.
But many believe that the pandemic’s true death toll “is millions more than official counts.”
Time and history will ultimately determine (an) other official and verifiable number.
Having had their patience and fortitude sapped, people are now turning their attention to other worldly matters like war, that recurring human-made pandemic that affects specific parts of the world at any time of any given year without notice, or warning.
Which we’re seeing right now playing out in Eastern Europe where that massive land mass, Russia, at the behest of its dictatorial leader, premiere military superpowers is wreaking military havoc on its smaller (in geography, population, military might and other essential aspects) to wage an extended war against one of the world’s premiere military superpowers, Russia, primary military` superpowers, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (his official name as it appears on google), continues to visit death and devastation on the war-ravaged, some say brave, defiant among other adjectives, on the now war ravaged people of Ukraine at the behest of one Vladimir Putin, the dictator of that massive geographic land mass in northern Europe whose immediate objective is to realize a seemingly life-long political objective by finally capturing and holding its defiant neighbour to the south and realize his dream of capturing and controlling the defiant ‘peoples’ to the south.
Naturally, people of goodwill around the world have been glued to the television the past three going on four week at the human devastation and death taking place in Ukraine o the tune of millions, another familiar form of human calamity is wreaking havoc on a select part of the world, northern Europe.
And as I’m writing this I took a break to relax my mind by washing some dishes. And something came to mind, the Hedy days of the Vietnam war and people pounding the pavement not just in America, but around the world. I recall seeing/reading a poster someone was waving:
“War Is Not Healthy For Children And Other Living Things,” it read.
America had been in multiple conflicts since then. And not much has changed. At some point it will become involved in some other military business faraway from its shores.
That’s what the so-called arms race has caused, and it continues to sustain the so-called “Military Industrial Complex.”
Don’t know what the arms race is called in Russia; whatever it is, the sentiment will be just as deadly once the killings take place — on the overseas battlefields, or streets of the nation — the sole winners will be the manufacturers and those who lose their lives.
Meanwhile, in Ukraine valiant and patriotic Russians are doing dirty work on behalf of Vladimir Putin’s imperialistic predilections and objectives. And Ukrainian men and women are standing against their Russian invader on behalf of their war-ravaged nation and peoples.
Can Ukraine, notwithstanding Western political leaders’ materiel support and encouragement ultimately vanquish the Soviets and their military might?
From the comfort of this and other parts of the western world where “All’s quiet on the western front…” it’s easy to demonstrate solidarity with war-raged, besieged Ukrainians, but moral support won’t draw blood in the trenches… on the battlefield of that besieged nation.
I also saw the questionable behaviour of ‘racism’ being perpetrated against Africans and Southeast nationals, some of whom were citizens of Ukraine… Like everyone at the train stations they were all attempting to get a train ride out of the war zone, but were prevented from boarding… We got the story from their mouths.
What do so-called “people of colour” have to do to be treated respectfully, wear a white skin?
Meanwhile, all we can do from our couches is do the humanitarian thing: shed a few tears, wish them a silent “Good luck and best wishes,” donate whatever we can to help the war-ravaged and besieged, shout at the television, think or whisper words of encouragement to those brave, valiant people as they continue to go head-to-head with their enemy from the North.