Right now the good thing is the sense of calm, after that weeks-long election campaign. What a relief!

The politicking is finally over, life is back to some (the usual) semblance of normalcy, minus the talk, talk, talk… and promises… by the respective party leaders advertising which one of them will do the best or most for us individually and/or collectively, if elected.
What’s particularly irritating is the-day-after is political griping and belly-aching by some voters about this, that, and the other thing political… like the former prime minister investing exorbitant amounts of money — “taxpayers dollars” into an “unnecessary election,” not to mention personal emotionalism invested by candidates and supporters alike in various events to solicit support.
In the final analysis, regardless of individual or party fealty, it’s merely our tax dollars at work. Elections Canada estimates the cost of the election to be around $610 million.
“The election was unnecessary…” as some continue to say. As many political commentators/analysts are already doing in the wake of this second consecutive minority federal Liberal party victory.
That’s now a moot point.

One thing is certain: elections are inevitable, and the leader of the current national governing party will always decide when (is an opportune time) to call another election.
Right now, regardless of your political party investment, all we must do is embrace the outcome and get on with life. At least no lives were sacrificed during the election campaign.
As usual, not every Canadian voted on in the election, but most did, only to wake up Tuesday morning to a similar political status quo (as was in place when the election was called), practically the same political table and incumbents, give or take a newly invited guest for the next parliamentary session.
Which is why most of the political leaders, as well as their supporters continue to call it “an unnecessary election…” Including the new leader of the runner-up Opposition party in the wake of the tenuous Liberal victory.
But that has to stop. The political campaign is over; the election was held, the over half billion dollars has been spent. That’s now a moot point, until the next general election is called and Canadians of all political stripes go back to belly-aching again — about politics… and possibly another kick at the can.

Never mind $610 million in 2021; it will cost more next time. Just keep your fingers crossed and hope to recoup your investment next time a national election is held.
With a minority Liberal government set to be sworn in within weeks, election sounds will be audible across the country soon enough, whenever the prime minister and party deems it necessary.
In the meantime, once the next government is sworn in it will be about focusing on the country’s and peoples’ business. And given the unpredictable life span of minority governments, that could happen at anytime.
Speaking on CBC’s Cross Country Checkup last Sunday 12, the head of Elections Canada in response to a caller’s question about the traditional short life span of minority governments said, “Elections Canada has to be ready to go at anytime…”
Breathe easy for now.

Fasten your seat belts, once the new 44th Government of Canada is sworn in, and depending on how the respective political party leaders are able to work together in voters’ best interests, by cooperating on getting the nation’s and peoples’ business done, be careful what you (especially Trudeau bashers) wish for, given the traditional life span of minority governments, another election might be called sooner than we expect.
I voted early. In retrospect, I wish I could’ve voted for two candidates, as is the practice in certain countries with ‘vote early, vote often’ corrupt practices. On second thought no.
Nothing to complain about on my side though. I’m satisfied with the person I Xed, and will live with my decision the duration of the next government.

I spent my vote similarly last time; people always speak highly of the candidate whom I met a time or three.
As informative and interesting as some of them may be, I didn’t allow any political analyst to determine my vote though. I will, as usual, live with my decision the duration of the party’s (and leader’s next government’s) life span.
The action is decided. I couldn’t vote for, and can’t stand… tolerate
So the election is over. I couldn’t, still can’t stomach the arrogance of People’s Party of Canada (PPC) foundational anti-immigrant, anti-science/VAX platform/agenda… their populism.
What if the ancestors of Canada’s Indigenous peoples had denied his, Bernier’s, ancestors entry into Canada back when?
The arrogance of Bernier, of Europeanism… Or as Stephen Harper refers to them/himself: Old Stock Canadians…
Sometimes I wish descendants of the original peoples would be more vocal when people like Bernier show their true/genuine colours vis-a-vis who could/should come to, belong in, Canada, or call themselves Canadian — by birth or connectedness to the nation appropriated from Canada’s/Turtle Island’s Original peoples…
Maybe next time — if and when she secures a political seat in another political party, I’ll vote for Annamie Paul who was unceremoniously undermined (from the get-go) right out of the Green Party. We all saw her performance during the leaders’ debate and her loser’s remarks during a press conference.

We all saw her performance during the leaders’ debate and her loser’s comments during a press conference.
Kudos to her nevertheless for being magnanimous in defeat.
We all saw her performance during the leaders’ debate and her loser’s comments during a press conference.
For now, it’s up to the incoming, albeit minority government to listen to, and work for, all the people.