Grenada celebrated

Grenada celebrated

Awards and dance marked nation’s 41st Anniversary of Independence

Contact Staff

On the evening of Saturday, February 21, a wide cross-section of Montrealers braved snow, ice and -19 temperatures and packed the Eveagreen Lounge for a hearty celebration of the tri island state of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.
The gala, organized by the Grenada Nationals Association of Montreal (GNAM) in collaboration with Grenada’s Honorary Consul in Montreal, Mr. Leonard Wharwood Jr., celebrated the nation’s 41st Anniversary of Independence and featured an awards ceremony that recognized several Montrealers who have distinguished themselves by their contributions to our community.
Among those receiving awards were:
•    Shawn Browne, a former professional basketball player, for his continued dedication to community work as a coach, mentor and youth counselor
•    Osbert Greenidge was recognized for over 30 years of service to the association and the community, Grenada Nationals Association, and
•    Mr. Dennis Norman Bonaparte, one of the founders of the association and a longstanding entrepreneur. He died in December and was recognized posthumously.
Another award was presented as a surprise to Mr. Theodore Blaize, identified for his consistent efforts in assisting the association raise funds and supplies to send to Grenada.
Another of the highlights of the evening was an appearance by Elimus “Inspector” Gilbert, one of Grenada’s most popular calypsonians, who recently celebrated more than 30 years in the business.
True to form, he kept the crowd on the dance floor for a long time with their hands in the air.
There were other performances by Byron “Doggies” Cameron, Paul “Sugarman” Nerverson, ‘Daddy Ghost”, Delter Antoine, Twayne & Shakeem David-Charles and Jenna Noel.
Keynote speaker for the evening was Derrick Cecil James, Grenada’s ambassador for Humanitarian and Diaspora Affairs. Tesfa “Aki” Peterson served as MC for the evening.