Hope and expectation: pillars for our tomorrow Opinions

Hope and expectation: pillars for our tomorrow

We are now in the year 2019, the year of expectation. It’s good to know the numbers and their representation. For example, the number 10 is the number of...

Many people are always talking about freedom Opinions

Many people are always talking about freedom

Freedom Some will make statements such as “I am free so no one is going to tell me what to do.” Today we will spend some time on the...

Black history: We’ve come this far by faith Opinions

Black history: We’ve come this far by faith

All year-round and not just in this second month of the year, we should not forget to give thanks unto the Lord. February is Black History Month. This is...

Romans 8 tells us that there  are two kinds of minds Opinions

Romans 8 tells us that there are two kinds of minds

One is the natural way of thinking and the other is a spiritual way of thinking. If we have a spiritual revelation of the power of our minds we...

Happy New Year! Opinions

Happy New Year!

This is the best time to pay attention to your mind and consider renewing your mind. Read Romans 12:1-2. The word of God addresses our mind because transformation is...

Wisdom For Preservation Opinions

Wisdom For Preservation

So many believers are overzealous in the things of God, yet still find themselves victims of simple things they could have avoided in their personal lives had they exercised...

This Holiday season, Wisdom is calling …Please answer the call Opinions

This Holiday season, Wisdom is calling …Please answer the call

Tis the season to be wise As we approach the end of the year, we need to embrace wisdom like never before. Proverbs 1:7 instructs us that “The fear...

The cycles must come to an end Opinions

The cycles must come to an end

Remembrance… lest we forget! As we approach the end of the year, I pray you work on your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for protection for...

IMPACT: Relationships, Part II Opinions

IMPACT: Relationships, Part II

There is a severe lack of respect and trust in relationships. So It’s time to build solid ones that will stand the test of time whether personal, professional or...

IMPACT:  Relationships Opinions

IMPACT: Relationships

Life is about relationships, and knowing the Lord Jesus Christ is about relationship. There are many different types of relationships; some are healthy, others unhealthy. Some relationships are strong,...