Many people are always talking about freedom


Some will make statements such as “I am free so no one is going to tell me what to do.”
Today we will spend some time on the word “freedom.”
Freedom is a very powerful word, one that can, on the one hand, inspire hope and courage, and on the other hand, inspire fear for those determined to keep it from others.
For the sake of freedom, children rebel against their parents. Many workers are angry with their employers, citizens are rising up against their elected officials, and as a result nations are fighting against nations.
Many will say that it is this so-called desire for freedom that motivates their behaviours and actions.
There are many types of freedoms and I even think that there are many different categories of freedom, but for the purpose of this conversation, I want to talk a little about spiritual freedom.
Spiritual freedom is the greatest type of freedom.
Jesus says in the word that ‘Whom the son sets free is free indeed” (John 8:36).
Jesus came to Earth to pay the price of death (in our place) in order to give mankind the personal choice to be free.
See, prior to talking about freedom, Jesus explained what was hindering our freedom in the first place. In John 8:34 he said, “I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” This bondage to sin is an example of spiritual slavery.
Allow me to also give you some historical context. Prior to Christ coming on the scene, the Jews were in heavy bondage; they were enslaved to Egypt and then to the Romans. As a nation, they experienced both physical and spiritual slavery.
I truly thank God for sending His only son Jesus Christ to set us free from the bondage of sin.
The greatest words spoken by Moses are those spoken when addressing Pharaoh, saying “Let my people go so they can worship the living God.”
As you read the book of Exodus you will discover that the children of Israel had to leave the bad slave master in order to enter into a relationship with the good master that cares and loves unconditionally. Jesus is a good shepherd.
Do you know that there is no absolute freedom outside of Christ Jesus?
If we consider my opening example, between children and parents, even when the child leaves the home in search for freedom, they become a ‘slave’ to their new responsibilities. For instance, a slave to the landlord because they are now bound to pay a monthly rent.
Some rush to get married in hopes of finding their freedom that way. They may be in for a big surprise in finding out that the marriage is not a ticket to ultimate freedom. Many, however, become slaves to debts and money.
Now, the question to ask yourself is, do you want to be a slave to sin or do you want to be free in Jesus Christ? In Him, you will find complete freedom.
I hope these examples have helped you see that you will never be totally free to do as you wish in life. You will always, to a certain degree, be under somebody, under someone’s authority or under someone’s control.
The important element to examine in all this is to whom you chose to give control?
Let it be the right one.
We all seem to be on a quest for freedom in some way or another. While on this quest, many get themselves into even more bondage leading even to premature death in a hopeless search for freedom outside of Christ.
Please try Jesus. He wants to set you free from yourself and from your sin. He does not want you to go to hell. He wants to set you free from sin and bondage.
If you will willingly submit to him with all your heart and soul you will experience a freedom that surpasses all human understanding.
He takes us as slaves and makes us kings and priests. He gives you a choice  and when you chose the way of the good shepherd, which is Jesus Christ, he will change your location from darkness to light and your status from bound to free. What a blessed freedom!
If you want to learn more about this freedom, I invite you to connect with us in person at 4119 DeMaisonneuve West (Atwater metro), or on social media @hopfanqc.

God bless you.
Pastor Julianna Daniel