Black history: We’ve come this far by faith

All year-round and not just in this second month of the year, we should not forget to give thanks unto the Lord.
February is Black History Month. This is the month that we’ve been given to commemorate, remember, share and educate ourselves and others about our heritage and our diverse culture.
The Black race has a very rich history – from Africa to the America’s and the West Indies.
We need to hear the stories and believe that God heard the prayers of the Black slaves. These slaves were without a doubt “prayer warriors” both day and night, crying out for freedom. Freedom from bondage, and freedom from injustice.
History belongs to Jesus because it is His-Story. He came to set the captives free. Jesus knows that both the Black race and the Jewish race have both suffered the most injustices in the history of mankind all over the globe.
We have been imprisoned because of our race, we have suffered all types of pains stemming from segregation, genocide, and racism.
We, today, need to give thanks unto the Lord for sending Martin Luther King, Jr. to be a voice on Earth for the Black race in America. He called forth the manifestation of what the former Black slaves had prayed for when he proclaimed “Let freedom ring!”
He, Dr. King himself paid the price, even unto death because of the burden he was carrying for the Black race.
We see today that his labour was not in vain, and the Lord has caused the name of Martin Luther King Jr. to be known throughout the world.
We should also thank the almighty God for sending his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, whom was given the mandate to free us as it is written in 1John 3:8 “ for this purpose the son of God was manifested; to destroy the works of the devil.”
We cannot deny it, but we have our own share of racism and injustices here in our hometown. For instance, let us consider what took place 50 years ago at the Sir George Williams University on February 11. I am sure it will not be in the history books and many would prefer to remain silent on the subject, but let us not forget such events. Let us remember so that we can appreciate our progress and continue to work towards our goals as a people in this society.
Montreal, let us take time to give thanks to the Lord for liberating us from the Sting of slavery. Please note that it is our ancestors that sold us into slavery. They were ignorant of our worth and value.
Also, note that slavery is not only physical but it’s also a spiritual condition.
Jesus is the only one that can give true freedom both physically and spiritually.
Whom the son of God sets free is free indeed, therefore, the best freedom you can give yourself is to receive that personal emancipation from the Lord Jesus Christ. He will set you free from ongoing racism, prejudice, discrimination, communism and all the injustices that still secretly exist against the Black race.
We have come this far by faith and the best thing we can do for ourselves and for our generation is to keep giving thanks unto the Lord Jesus Christ for using Martin Luther King Jr. to help give the Black race recognition.
I invite you to take the opportunity this month and learn about the black community, its culture and heritage both here in Montreal, Canada and abroad. You will discover what a blessed people we are.
The blessings have not ceased, but many have lost the vision. You can learn it from history and from God’s word… tap in and you will discover what great potential and greatness lies within the Black community and within you!
If you would like to continue the conversation and maximize your understanding of your great potential and how to gain vision for your success, come join us at 4119 De Maisonneuve W. Westmount, or @hopfanqc on Facebook.

Pastor Julianna Daniel