Ticket Drama but Hypa Sounds was hyped

Ticket Drama but Hypa Sounds was hyped

Production Sounds new
There is no secret to success.
It comes from preparation, hard work, and learning from failures.
Hard work pays off. The success of my annual event title Touch Of Red is evidence of just that.
But every year I encounter something different during the promotion of my event that confuses me but this year top the charts.  Many of you have no clue as to what happens behind the scenes when  promoting a event for our community.
Well let me make this incident transparent to you.
It’s something I have encountered for the first time and it still leaves me puzzled as of today.
I received a phone call from a supporter asking: “Why
is it that my husband came back from purchasing two tickets for your event and they both mark complimentary.”
In disbelief, I went to the Ticket outlet to confront the owner.
I said : Someone just told me that you sold them the two courtesy tickets given to you for my event but I told them it was maybe an ERROR.”
His reply was : “No. It wasn’t. And I have every right to do as I wish with those complimentary tickets.”
I countered: ”You mean you sold those tickets and pocket $50 before actually selling the valid tickets to my event?”
His reply was:”We are doing you promoters a favor by selling them here and this is nothing new”.
At that very moment it become clear to me why other promoters told me that they are boycotting this outlet.”
Montreal little Caribbean community has many untold and hiden stories I promise to start addressing in 2016.
As i said earlier Touch Of Red 3 featuring Hypa Sounds for the first time in Montreal was truly a success. Montreal welcomed this Bajan artist with open arms making him feel at home in this city.
I would like to take this time to Thank all who were instrumental in making the event a success.
A personal thank you  to Savi at Caribbean Curry House for going beyond expectation with her hospitality.

Be free to send your feedback on any of my
articles to Productionsounds@gmail.com or Twitter : @Productionjr

Production Sounds Chart

1 How she like it – Hypa Sounds
2 No Behavior – Cloud 5
3 Temperature – Machel Montano
4 All Ah We – Peter Ram
5 Bum Bum – Third Bass
6 Carnival Today – Bunji
7 Sugar Rush – Hypa Sounds
8 Granny – Granny & Baron
9 Numb – Benjai
10 Rental – Farmer Napp