The Message is Alive

The Message is Alive

Something that seemed so dark, gloomy and devastating was actually the beginning of something miraculous, wonderful and life transforming…
The cross looked like defeat, death and the end for so many who had hoped in the Way; but little did they know it was only the beginning and it was yet another demonstration of how God will turn whatever is meant for evil around for our good.
Seeing Jesus on the cross was all together devastating, confusing and so life-altering for those who had left everything they had, everything they knew and believed in to follow Jesus.
Even though they did not have their beloved teacher by their side; the early church and the apostles still had His message, His words, and the conviction that came from His teachings.
So, would they abandon the message because they could no longer walk with the messenger?
As they pondered and recalled all His words and His messages; they were able to find how they fit in as a piece would in a puzzle.
As they studied the messages many revealed instructions for their next step. And the more they followed the instructions and obeyed the words they had been told; the more their faith grew, and they shared the messages and teachings.
Little by little, they were seeing the gospel that their teacher embodied, becoming alive before them and then to their own surprise they met Him once again face to face.
Oh, what a joy and wonder that must have been!
Jesus had told them that the words that He spoke were spirit and life (John 6:63). He also explained that He himself is the Truth, the Way and the life (John 14:6).
So even though they did not see him with them for three days; so long as the words He had spoken remained with them; He was indeed still with them.
Today, we can look at the cross and think of all the suffering Jesus endured having been whipped, flogged, spat on, defamed, insulted, and crucified; and feel great sorrow… but don’t.
Don’t think or say he was killed. No one took his life! He himself laid it down. Jesus said in John 10:18 “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”
He laid it down to show that he will go to hell and back to defeat death for those of us under the law of Adam’s curse of sin. When we think of the cross, we must have reverence and acknowledge all that happened there but let us also acknowledge the victory and life it brings.
We don’t need to wait until Easter Sunday to begin rejoicing… but rejoice and let it be a time of celebration because Jesus’ message is that no grave can hold him down. His message is that God the Father loves all mankind so much that he gave Jesus to bring a message and demonstration of God with us to redeem, liberate and reconcile us back to Himself.
Many call the period we are in a Holy one. From Palm Sunday to Holy Thursday preceding Good Friday ushering in Easter Sunday; however, you choose to commemorate it, don’t keep it to yourself. Share the good news. Like the early church, be willing to hear the messages of Jesus’ gospel and discover what the spirit of the Lord will resurrect in your life, situation, and circumstances.
Come to the house of the Lord and allow the messages of Christ to shine new revelation on how what seems to be dark and dreary right now may very well be the beginning of the resurrection God has in store for you.

All are welcome to discover the wonderful words of life at HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS CHURCH AT 4119 DeMaisonneuve West