Graduating Class was All Exclusive

Graduating Class was All Exclusive

Entrepreneurs Aston and Gideon 1 Oneil surroundedby beauties.12 Sharon, Christine, Sharon, Patrick, Elizabeth and Glen Mtl BBall big names Dwight and Shaun  .31 Christine, Len and Sharonssss 1 Karen and Dee Mtl beauties George, Juliette Pat, Janice and audra Health-care professionals Fiends at work and at play

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As it has been for the past four years, The Graduating Class offered “the mature set” a chance to party as only they know how to.

It took place on Thanksgiving Sunday and the gathering at Le Firm Lounge on the west island was a showcase of party people in the mood to party.

And there is a reason why the dance floor pulsated all night. The deejays were as usual spectacular, each of them, Everton “Spec 11” Green, Mike “Tuff” Williams and Eddie Lewis…. More than that, the return of Len of LDG fame, an icon of his time here in Montreal in the 1970s and 80s added fire to the mix.

This year, the party was just the way organizers Winston Dee and Diana wanted it to be… it was All Exclusive.