The debate between white and brown bread IS real, and not to be vetoed by the mere fact that white bread is considered de-natured …
Most people will argue that bread w ith whole grain content is the better to consume.
Why? Because it contains all of the nutrients that white bread has been stripped of, it is heavier and satisfies the appetite more than white bread.
White bread is said to be denatured and stripped of its nutrients. It has been called white glue, garbage and all sorts of other names. When we look at the process of manufacturing, one would come to the same conclusion.
It needs to acknowledge that whole grains have minerals and vitamins in them, and what has to be clarified here, is that vitamins are very susceptible to temperature change. If it’s too cold or too hot, they evaporate and become non-existent.
We are now aware that mineral content is what is being discussed in reference to whole grain bread – as soon as the dough is heated, as soon the bread is toasted, the vitamin content is said to exist no more.
Now let’s take a closer look at content of whole grain.
Whole grains contain what is called phytic acid. When consumed it accumulates at the joints, causing them to become brittle and sometimes immobile. It is also known to cause arthritis and osteoporosis.
Phytic acid is found within the hulls of nuts, seeds, and grains. It has a strong binding affinity to important minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. When a mineral binds to phytic acid, it is no longer able to be adequately broken down, and will not be properly absorbed into the intestines. This process can therefore contribute to mineral deficiencies in people whose diets rely on these foods for their mineral intake. A 2003 study examined the change in iron absorption when phytic acid was removed from various grains. They found that participants absorbed 1160% more iron when phytic acid was removed from wheat – Iron absorption was improved about twelve times.
When buying bread, do a comparison check: look at the dietary information box on the packaging, and check to see what the difference is between white bread and whole grain bread. When I did this, I found that the commonality between the two was that they both had the same fiber content, other than this, there wasn’t much of difference.
So what does this tell us?
The phytic acid contained in whole grain bread has been scientifically documented to stop the absorption of important minerals into our system. It is known to create and accelerate joint pain, inflammation and aggravation. So anyone who is prone to and or susceptible to conditions, such as arthritis and osteoporosis should be careful of what they are consuming and do more research as to what they should and should not eat.
The debate between white and brown bread IS real, and not to be vetoed by the mere fact that white bread is considered de-natured.
In-home food preparation techniques can reduce the phytic acid in all of these foods.
Simply cooking the foods containing this acid will reduce the problems to some degree. More effective methods are soaking or sprouting grains for consumption.
Here is another source to cross reference
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