Don’t you want to be heard?

Don’t you want to be heard?

When many aren't listening God lends and ear

There is a lot of talk these days about freedom of speech… why? Many want to be heard and want to be able to speak and voice their opinions.
Often, many fight for this right because they are seeking some kind of change. Well, it’s time to speak to God because He is listening.
Psalms 116:2 tells us “Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live”.
Isn’t this wonderful news! That the creator of the universe is listening and is attentive to our every word?
Yes, He is listening because He is a loving father. He cares for each and every one of us but are we taking the time to talk to Him?
The Bible says: His ear is inclined to us; this means He is waiting to hear from you and He is ready to listen. The best part is that, unlike the therapist, our best friend or even our spouse at times, God can actually do something about your dilemma.
God is listening because he is ready and willing to help us.
The Bible also tells us that we should cast our burdens, our cares, and concerns on the Lord because He cares for us.
The last time I wrote to you, it was on the subject of God speaking to us and how we can hear his voice. Now we are on the subject of God lending a Iistening ear. Speaking and listening… don’t you see how much God desires an intimate relationship with you?
The very model is based on conversation.
It’s unfortunate that many think that God does not care about the individual in a personal way but that is far from the truth. The Bible tells us that He knows each hair on your head. Even your hairdresser could not tell you how many strands of hair were on your head and I don’t think they would even try to count them.
When the Bible tells us that God loves the world so much that He gave His only son, it does not mean that He loved planet earth and the trees and mountains. Don’t get me wrong, God created the trees, the rocks, the hills and all creatures but John 3:16 is a statement of God’s love and sacrifice for us: mankind. Though He gave Jesus for us all, His love is also set for each of us individually.
God is interested in relationships. Relationships require some kind of communication or interaction. A relationship can blossom through conversation (prayer), quality time (reading His word), acts of kindness (love our neighbour as we love ourselves), gift giving (worship, offering from us to him /blessings and talents from God to us) etc.
Have you interacted with God lately?
Romans 10:12-14 explains that, “the same Lord is Lord of all, and gives richly to all who call on Him, for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
It doesn’t need to be complicated; simply speak from your heart and know that God is listening and wants to connect with you.I encourage you today, instead of only calling friends and family to tell them about your day, try Jesus.
He is waiting to hear from you.

Pastor Julianna Daniel