Church Events July 21,2016

Church Events July 21,2016

Imani Annual BBQ

Imani Family and Full Gospel Church  invites Montrealers  to share a meal at their Annual BBQ at 2741, Notre Dame on Saturday, July 23 at 4pm. Located Tickets are $20.

Bibleway Sunday School Picnic

Bibleway Sunday School Picnic on Saturday, July 23. At venue Tessier Beach, St. Agathe. Admission: under 12 cost $15 and $25.00 for over. Departure from church is at 9am.

 St. Lawrence Summer Bazaar

The St. Lawrence Anglican Church invites you to their Summer Bazaar at 520 – 75th Avenue, LaSalle, Québec H8R 2P5. Saturday 30th July 2016 from 10:00AM – 4:00PM. Contact the church office: 514-366-4652, Marian Harris: 514-365-1460, or via email

Barbados’ Celestial Voices Choir

The Men’s Fellowship of St. Paul’s Anglican Church invites Montrealers to spend an evening in concert with the Celestial Voices Choir of Barbados on their North American Tour. With a repertoire that will feature light classics, spirituals, and On Broadway specials, the show will be a definite hit.  On Sunday 31st July 2016 at St-Paul’s Anglican Church, 3970 Cote-Ste-Catherine Rd. at 5pm. Info: (514) 733-2908 and (514) 865-1783.

House of Mercy’s  Favour

The Hose of Mercy Ministries presents Higher Levels of Favour on August 5-7 2016. Friday 7pm-9pm, Saturday 7pm-9pm and Sunday 3pm-7pm. Hosted by Apostle Eric and Mrs. Addo. Guest Speaker Bishop Crenstil (Presiding Bishop of the Church of God, Ghana). Song Ministration by Mercy Choir. For more information contact 514-297-3192 or 514-554-2495.

Jamaica’s Independence Service
On Sunday, August 7 a special service will be held to commemorate Jamaica’s 54th year of Independence at the historic Union United Church, 3007 Delisle St, Montreal (metro Lionel Groulx) under the patronage of the Honorary Consul for Jamaica George Grant. All are welcomed.

 The First Baptist Church
The First Baptist Church, 6215 Cote St. Luc Road, Montreal, Quebec H3X 2H3 welcomes you to Healing/Deliverance Service on Friday’s 7pm to 10pm and School of the World on Sundays 2pm to 5pm. Contact the Prayer line 1866-243-8442 daily from 9pm to 10:30pm. Pastor (Apostle) Isaich Hans cell no. 1438-928-1630.

Bethlehem Healing Fountain Church
The Bethlehem Healing Fountain Church
presents the 36th Annual Holy Convocation on August 2-7 2016, located at 5738 Decarie, Montreal, Quebec H3X 2J3. Hosted by Host Pastor Bishop W. Adlam & First Lady Margaret Adlam. The Schedule for the week is as follows: Tuesday 7:00 am Morning Worship and 8:00 pm Worship Service; Wednesday 7:00 am Morning Prayer and 8:00 pm Worship Service; Thursday 7:00 am Morning Prayer, 1:00 pm Workshop, 6:00 pm Bible Class and 7:00 pm Worship Service; Friday 7:00 am Morning Prayer, 1:00 pm Workshop and 7:30 pm Worship Service; Saturday 7:00 am Morning Prayer, 1:00 pm Workshop, 6:00 pm Bible Class and 7:00 pm Worship Service; Sunday 11:00 am Worship Service and 6:30 pm Worship Service. Featuring Live Music, B.H.F. Choir, B.H.F. Praise Team, Live Gospel Music and Youth in Action. For more info contact 514-735-1964 or email “Shake thyself from the dust and arise” Isaiah 52:2

Montreal West Gospel Choir at  Gospel Fusion

The Living Room Gospel Fusion presents a night with the Montreal West Gospel Choir and Simona on Friday, September 9. 8:30pm. At the Caribbean Paradise, 8080 Newman LaSalle.. $15 for a dinner and show. Tickets available at Caribbean Paradise, Princessa and Mr. Patties. For info: call 514-718-9435 & 514-222-0474. Come out and enjoy some of Montreal’s Gospel Artists in an intimate setting.