What’s New?

Happy and Blessed
New Year 2019!

Two thousand nineteen is here! A year that will be filled with new adventures, goals, challenges, obstacles and new beginnings with renewed strength and hope.
We have an opportunity to begin a new chapter or complete or restore an old one, but nothing will change unless our attitudes, actions and mindsets change.
It’s time to decide to let go or hold on, to move forward or be still, to challenge yourself, to look within, to love, to heal, to seek God as He shows you His truth and purpose for your life.
It’s important to know that you have the ability to create and design your New Year.
It’s important to know that you have the ability and power to change your present reality.
What do you want your 2019 to look like? What do you want to change?
It’s time to let go of those things that really don’t matter and embrace and nurture the important things in your life.
If you really want your life circumstances to change, you will have to step out of your comfort zone and do something different.
If you don’t change something in your life, nothing will ever change.
Write down your goals, push yourself, get back up when you fall and continue to press forward until you reach your desired destination.
It’s an opportunity to grow and evolve and to become the best version of you. Take responsibility for your life; be willing to learn and be willing to change.
Change comes one decision at a time and it takes courage and perseverance to look within, see your faults and do something about it.
Take a minute to sit down and reflect. Take some time to write down your goals and dreams. What do you want your life to look like 12 months from now? If you don’t know what you want to change then it will be challenging to create an action plan to get you there.
Your past does not equal your future. The possibilities are endless.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a New Creation; the old has gone, the NEW has come!
[2 Corinthians 5:17]
I pray that health; peace, comfort, love, joy, faith, blessing, prosperity, protection and hope are with you in 2019.

Blessings and peace,
Bev 🙂


Beverley is a Registered Nurse, Licensed Professional Counselor, Board Certified Life and Grief Coach and the founder of Mourningtalk.