A Nice New Year’s Fete

A Nice New Year’s Fete

Mardi Gras at the Hampton

Contact Staff

It was well after 3 AM on the morning of January 1, when the music subsided at the New Year’s Eve Ball at the Hampton Inn and Suites in the West Island.
And as revelers slowly made their out of the hall amidst the seasonal salutations, there was consensus that it was a spectacular evening for the hundreds of Montrealers who came to usher out the old year and welcome 2019.
So many highlights, not the least of which was the warmth and revellery that enveloped the place on a night when the event’s theme Mardi Gras dominated everything:

•    the cuisine that was highlighted by jambalaya, gumbo, pork, chicken and fish prepared by Ron Greenidge’s Best Bite Caterers and his staff
•    the spectacular  midnight drums and costumed fete presented by West Can Folk performers highlighted by their Moko Jumbie dancers driven by their pulsating rythmns
•    the big drinks served in adequate supply by barman Victor and his staff, and
•    the music supplied by the incomparable DJ 610, DJ 20/20 and DJ Abassi.
The evening, which attracted a wide cross-section of Montrealers, young and old, turned out to be a wonderful community celebration. It was a presentation of Bestbite.