Almost $3/4M in funding to TWKF to help kids stay on the straight and narrow
Community News

Almost $3/4M in funding to TWKF to help kids stay on the straight and narrow

Every year between 800 and 1000 youth from the area have their lives impacted in a positive way, by participating in the Trevor Williams Basketball Camp. It’s been like...

Two decades later Karen Rice is still proud to be a pioneer at the STM
Community News

Two decades later Karen Rice is still proud to be a pioneer at the STM

By Melissa Murphy (LJI) “Come on board. We’re waiting for you!” These are the words of Karen Rice, who today, two decades after becoming what is believed to be...

Social justice is important to new CdN/NDG borough mayor
Community News

Social justice is important to new CdN/NDG borough mayor

Rosie Awori (LJI) Grace Kasoki Katahwa’s goal was clear when she entered the nursing field a decade or so ago: “I wanted to ensure that when I wake up...

The Black man’s burden

The Black man’s burden

Historian Dorothy Williams once described Montreal’s Black community as “a vibrant, multicultural, multilingual consisting of Blacks from Africa, Europe, the Caribbean, Canada and Latin America.” She went on say...

A Black Community in distress
Community News

A Black Community in distress

Submitted by Rhema Walters In memory of Shawn Birch and all the other Blacks killed by other Blacks. My young nephew was stabbed in his heart by another black...

David Shelton: inspired to serve
Community News

David Shelton: inspired to serve

Karim Faqll (LJI ) In a world where most strive for fame and fortune to feed their own ego, it’s refreshing and inspiring to meet a man like David...

Sonya Biddle was a cultural and political force Community News

Sonya Biddle was a cultural and political force

Rosie Awori (LJI) With the passing of Sonya Biddle on January 20, our community and Montreal lost a vibrant and engaging personality that stamped her name on the landscape...

Former Montrealer climbs to the highest  level in her specialization
Community News

Former Montrealer climbs to the highest level in her specialization

Rosie Awori (LJI) As with most first-generation children, Aisha Hunte, focused on her books and worked hard to be an all-rounded individual, at school, play and everywhere. Many Montrealers...

Remembering Kent Merchant: The Love Man
Community News

Remembering Kent Merchant: The Love Man

Across North American city where there is a Caribbean community, particularly people from Trinidad and Tobago, the likelihood is that the name Loveman Kent will resonate with music lovers....

Two months after her son Jannai was killed, Charla Dopwell is searching for peace of mind
Community News

Two months after her son Jannai was killed, Charla Dopwell is searching for peace of mind

“I miss him… I miss him… I miss him,” laments Charla Dopwell as she contemplates Christmas and the holidays without her son Jannai. The 16-year-old was accosted by three...