Sanitizer for the body soul and spirit

It’s available to anyone who wants to use it

Thank God for sanitizers.
They kill germs and many of us rely on them with hopes that they would protect from colds and viruses. Now, more than ever before, due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world has been introduced to a new level of hand sanitizing.
Santizers have now been mandated as part of our regular commute and when going in and out of public places.
At the onset of the news of the coronavirus, some people were buying large amounts of hand sanitizer to keep in storage. Some made a personal choice to go as far as sanitizing their homes whereas some were constantly sanitizing for the sake of their employment. This new addition to many job descriptions has for most become a task to be carried out all day and all night.
As a result, many well intentioned citizens sanitize their hands until they become dry and change colour. Further, the value of sanitizers went up in a matter of weeks. What used to cost $3 to $5 now averages $20.
Today sanitizers have become very expensive but we no longer have to search for them; there are bottles everywhere.
Unfortunately, even after months of sanitizing, the virus is still everywhere with very little change. It seems as though, we need to put our confidence elsewhere in order to see the change many are hoping for.
Today, I want to remind you all, out there, about the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
It has been around now and available for hundreds of years and has not lost its efficacy. The blood of Jesus Christ washes, cleanses, purifies and heals.
This supernatural sanitizer is still potent and powerful. It’s available to everyone who wants to use it. This sanitizer removes stains. This sanitizer removes inner guilt and shame. It heals even the deepest of wounds,.
Unlike the now expensive commercial sanitizers in the stores, the blood of Jesus is freely given for all. We simply need to know the Lord personally to access this powerful privilege and benefit that is available for mankind through the blood of Jesus Christ; by means of his death on the cross of Calvary.
Please don’t neglect “So Great A Salvation (John 10:10).
Satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. I don’t want you to be devoured. I want you to be aware that you have a Creator and that he loves you and wants you to change your life for the better.
Please don’t live in denial as if there is no God.
There is a God who created all things and placed his creation at our disposal to be enjoyed by all. Take a look at the moon, the sun, the stars, the fields, the oceans and beyond.
Don’t give up hope; there is a way out from your fears about this virus. You need to receive the spiritual sanitization for every area of your life. Apply it by faith in prayer, believing that God can deliver you from every attack of this pandemic that has now spread itself worldwide.
Today, end your search for hand sanitizer, get the real genuine sanitizer provided by the Lord Jesus Christ. His blood, which was shed at Calvary, is still available and functioning today… it will never run out.

Pastor Julianna Daniel