Pushing through the struggles and pains of covid-19

Pushing through the struggles and pains of covid-19


Many of you spent most of this pandemic with your fingers crossed hoping it will all end within a couple of months but now, friends, it is time to face reality. It is time to P.U.S.H : Pray Until Something Happens.
Just like when a woman is about to have her baby there are different phases to her labour and delivery to indicate how things are advancing.
After having carried her baby for nine months the contractions eventually set in announcing to the woman that the time will soon come for the baby. Even though there may be hours between the initial contractions and her holding her baby, she also knows there will be a time to push.
Dear readers, this is where we are now. Allow me to be your nurse today. We have carried this pandemic for a long time and as your spiritual nurse I can confirm to you that the labour has begun.
Yes, we are shifting from pregnancy to labour because the time to deliver is fast approaching but don’t you worry because Doctor Jesus is in the house. He is always on call.He is always ready.
He is a specialist in travailing. He is the one who, in preparation to bear the sins of the world, prayed until his sweat became like drops of blood. He was the one who bore the pain of Calvary in order to bring eternal life to a dying world. He knows about bodily pain more than anyone. He knows about the mental strength required when travailing for those we love.
Get ready to travail, get ready because delivery and deliverance is not far off. Get ready to PUSH…Pray Until Something Happens.
When a woman is in labour, the nurse must often remind her to breathe between contractions and especially during them. Well, I am reminding you to pray between the pains and frustrations that have come as a result of bearing this pandemic for over a year and pray through it.
Through the pain of losing a job, losing a loved one, losing your former way of living. Breathe, breathe, breathe. Pray, pray, pray.
You’re doing great, but keep breathing and keep praying.
Don’t stop praying!
When the big one comes and the contractions of life get closer and closer together don’t give up. That just means we have to PUSH… Pray Until Something Happens.
Do we push only once before delivering a baby? No, beloved you gotta keep pushing and keep breathing and keep praying. I know this season has been hard and very trying but deliverance is coming.
Now, after a mother has a baby does life go back to normal as she knew it? No, a baby changes everything but each baby comes with a God given purpose. So let us PUSH and see what God will do.
How long will we need to push for ? I don’t know I’m just the nurse but let’s work together; I will monitor the situation for you and always be here to remind you to PUSH and breathe and pray.
I am constantly in communication with Doctor Jesus on the matter of your case. Montreal, I am praying for you. You may not see Dr. Jesus each second of your labour, but rest assured, He is here and has the situation under control. He is ready for you but we must go through the process.


Pastor Julianna Daniel