Offering Childcare Services in Quebec

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It is becoming increasingly difficult for working parents to find safe and affordable childcare for their children. To meet this growing need, you may be considering going into the business of offering childcare services. If you are thinking about launching such a service, some basic information about the relevant Quebec legislation may be useful to you.
Let’s quickly overview some of the basics about offering childcare services in Quebec.
The provision of childcare services is governed primarily by the Educational Childcare Act and the related regulations, and overseen by the Ministère de la famille. Various types of childcare services are available to Quebec parents. Among them are childcare centres, subsidized and non-subsidized private day care centres and home childcare services.
Childcare centers are operated by not-for-profit organizations or cooperatives. These centres offer subsidized childcare to a maximum of 80 children. They must hold a permit from the Ministère de la famille if they serve more than six children.
Private daycare centres may be subsidized or unsubsidized. Subsidized daycare centres are able to offer childcare at a reduced cost to the parents whereas unsubsized daycare centers do not offer reduced-contribution childcare. Private daycares are allowed to offer spaces to up to 80 children and must hold a permit from the Ministère de la famille if they care for more than six children.
Home childcare services that provide care for more than six children must be recognized by a home childcare coordinating office. Recognized home childcare services are not permitted to care for more than nine children and if more than six children attend the service, the person in charge of the service must be assisted by at least one other adult. Recognized home childcare services often offer reduced-contribution spaces. Home childcare services that are not recognized by a home childcare coordinating office, however, are not able to provide reduced-contribution spaces.
Other types of childcare services available in Quebec include community drop-in day care centres run by community organizations and offering childcare for blocks of three or four hours, and childcare services offered by certain school boards and private educational institutions to their students before and after school as well as at lunch time.

For more information about launching your childcare services business, contact Kelly Francis at (514) 802-7736 or at

Disclaimer: This article merely gives readers an overview of the issues discussed therein and is not legal advice. Please do not take action based on this article alone without first seeking the legal counsel appropriate for your specific situation!