Destiny Shapers

Destiny Shapers

We recently talked about how we can partner with God to change critical situations as individuals, for a nation or for others.
In Jeremiah 1:5; God says, “I knew you even before you were formed in your mother’s womb”. There are many of us to whom God has spoken certain promises before we were born. However, countless of these were never manifested because there was no connection with God throughout our lives. A whole bunch of people are just living day to day with an inner consciousness that they want to fulfill something… not knowing exactly what that is. Each of us have a God-given destiny. A purpose! Your destiny is basically what God had in mind when He created you. It’s a plan and purpose for a person’s life at the time of creation.
Your desire to understand it is because it is embedded within the core of your being. It’s like the child who, early on, confesses that they just know they want to grow up to help sick people. Will they become a nurse, a doctor, a scientist or researcher ? This is yet to be discovered but that inner “knowing” is the connection to purpose.
Some people will say “I’ve always had a passion for numbers since childhood”; so we all have areas that remain a constant calling throughout life to orient us towards destiny, like a compass. Sometimes parents see it, teachers or relatives. At times, they know how to nurture and develop it and in some cases they don’t. Not only should potential be cultivated but it needs to be preserved early on because there is a thief who is after your destiny. The Bible tells us that he comes to steal, kill and destroy.
When it comes to the matter of potential the devil also sees it and he starts very early to set up certain roadblocks to hinder, frustrate, and intercept your God given destiny. Think about it this way… If another human can steal tangible treasures you possess from you (like a car or money) and kill you afterward, then for sure Satan can steal the treasures within you (your glory, honor, and blessing).We need to intercept the thief red handed by opening our mouths and speaking God’s word; in prayer. Prayer is always the master key to open and lock doors on our journey of life.
It is so important to know the will of God for your life; but how!?
Read the word and then speak the word in prayer over yourself and whomever you may pray for and that word will create a protective barrier to preserve their destiny.
God’s word says that He desires above all things that you prosper and be in good health.
God’s word tells us that he wants us to be satisfied with a long life. God’s will is for us to be blessed, fruitful, prosperous, to have dominion on the earth, and to impact our generation for good. This is what we read in the Bible. This is how you know the will of God. Read the Bible!
The more you pray the will of God over your life, the more your life will come into alignment with where you need to be, what you were predestined to do and ultimately usher you in to make the impact you are intended to make.
Is there a business venture you’ve been hiding inside your heart for years? Pray on it. Perhaps He put it in your heart to give you a glimpse of your destiny. Speak God’s word over your ideas and ambitions. With God in the equation, that small idea can become a multinational business.
It is God who enables people to fulfill his or her destiny. There are people with great skills and great potential, who at first sight, you can instinctively conclude that they will attain great successes but then, somewhere along the line, something or someone stops them. That’s why it is so important that we remain prayerful in a more proactive way instead of using prayer in reaction to life situations and circumstances.
Let’s take an offensive position in prayer. A strategic way to shape our days. The same way the heavenly father shaped the world with His words, let’s take His word to shape our lives.

Have a blessed week.