
Beverley Benskin 

Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one’s courage. [Anais Nin]

What is courage?
Taking a chance, taking steps towards your vision, goals and dreams even when you’re afraid, and stepping out in faith even when everything seems hopeless.
Failure only comes when you stop trying or don’t try at all.
Every time we face our fears we gain strength, confidence and courage.
Sometimes our strength may look like weakness to others.
When you’re building strength within, you may not look strong on the outside, which to those around you may appear as if you’re weak.
But that’s part of the process of inner growth; it may feel uncomfortable, and even hurt at times.
It takes courage to go through the process.
But know that when you’re going through something difficult, challenging or just painful, truly going through it, not around it, not avoiding it, but facing the obstacle head- on, you will come out stronger on the other side and stronger on the inside.
When those troubles come, and they will come, hold on to your faith, hold on to your vision and hold on to your dream.
If you have the courage to begin your journey, you’ll have the courage to succeed. Your past doesn’t have to define your future.
Don’t let fear hold you back…  Just feel the fear and do what you know you have to do.
Letting go of the familiar and embracing change takes courage. You have that kind of courage in you.
Remember: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” [Joshua 1:9]
Be blessed and courageous. #Ugotthis