Continue to pray like never before because the virus has become political

It’s time to discern the times and seasons we are living in now.
We thank God that the number of people afflicted by the coronavirus is slowly decreasing arpond the world.
However, we need to continue in prayer because the virus has left humanity with so many side effects – let’s just say everything has changed.
Please note, we’re still in lockdown, still social distancing, and still following other sanitary measures. There are still sanctions on the churches and there are even some churches who have not yet opened since the beginning of this pandemic. We still have to wait outside when in line at certain financial institutions and public places.
Readers, please continue to pray like never before because the virus has become political.
They are now discussing vaccination by force. No more freedom of choice. No more right to choose. Soon we will live like Communist China. Where we have no say and the government dictates and speaks for us telling us what to do, how to do it and when to do it.
We need to call upon the God of the universe to rescue us from all the confusion that is going on all over the world. If you refuse to pray you are giving the enemy permission to take advantage of you and your family and your generation.
I have already told you that this virus is a spiritual problem, it cannot be seen with natural eyes. Therefore, it cannot be treated with sanctions, quarantines and sanitizing of hands.
Don’t get me wrong, sanitary measures are very good and some can even help treat symptoms but only God Almighty can help us cure this disease.
Don’t put your confidence in the new vaccine that will soon be available; for who knows, it could also create new symptoms in the body that we did not expect.
Sincerely, we should thank God for the healthcare system because it is very beneficial but please know that they can only treat you. The cure and the healing belong to God.
Readers, it’s time to wake up and rise up, we are living in dangerous times and seasons. It’s time to acknowledge that there is a creator and to start communicating with Him.
The Biblical statements in John 3:16 are true in that God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son Jesus to come and die for the sins of all mankind.
God and his son already rule heaven and earth. He rules the earth with truth and grace. Allow Him to guide you through these turbulent times of uncertainty. He will guide you and reveal truths to you and His light will cast away all the fear that the media and the politicians are spreading with regards to this Coronavirus.
Do not be afraid, have faith in God and His word to equip you to face these troubled times and receive His grace to make it through each day victoriously.
Visit our church website for more encouragement. There you can listen to sermons that will equip and teach you more about God’s word and how to understand it to apply it in your everyday life.
Pastor Julianna Daniel