Gospel Revival at Beurling
On Saturday October 31 at 7:30pm it will be an evening of worship and song featuring chosen few, Priscilla Findlay and more at Beurling Academy Auditorium 6100 Boul. Champlain. Early bird (first 200 attendees) $10, regular $15 and at the door $20. All proceeds go to “The Open Door” and “Les Mains Tendues.”
Tickets and info (438) 763-5440, prodigypromotionmtl@gmail.com and Gospelrevival2015.wordpress.com.
Bazaar Time again at Union United
It promises to be two days of food and fun when the congregation of Union United Church is joined by other Montrealers for their Annual Bazaar. On Friday November 6, the fun starts at 10am and goes until 9PM and Dinner will be on sale (fish $12, chicken $10). Then it continues on Saturday November 7 from 10am Soup will be served. Patrons can buy baked goods, candies, books, new clothing, games, jellies, etc. at a cost of $5 and less. It all take place at 3007 Delisle Street in the lower church hall. Info church office at (514) 932-8731.
Trinity Pre-Christmas Bazaar
Trinity Memorial Church 5220 Sherbrooke St. West invites all to their early bird Christmas bazaar on Saturday, November 7, from 9:30am-3pm. There would be unique gift ideas for everyone on your list, greeting cards, new and gently used clothing, electronic items and baked goods and a variety of West-Indian treats.
Proceeds to benefit Trinity Memorial church.
Info (514) 484-3102.
House of Prayer For All Nations Banquet
Every year, a wide cross section of Montrealers join the congregation of House of Prayer For All Nations for an evening of celebration. On Saturday, November 14, the church will be presenting an illustrious lineup of local performers including Seth Boateng, Penny Charron and Lafleur Durant as an added touch to their 12th Annual Banquet and Concert. As usual, the fundraiser event takes place at Town of Mount Royal Hall, 90 Roosevelt Ave. TMR from 5:30pm.
St. Lawrence Boomers
The Boomers of St. Lawrence Anglican Church will be hosting a Pudding & Souse Sale on Saturday, November 14th, 2015 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, in the church’s hall, located at 520 – 75th Avenue, LaSalle. For more information, please” 514-366-4652.
Westview Craft Fair
Westview Bible Church will host its 3rd annual “Homemade With Love” Craft Fair to benefit women of the community on Friday November 6th from 6-9pm and Saturday November 7th from 9:30am-4:00pm.
Over 90 local and talented vendors participating this year. Come find that perfect Christmas gift from over 90 local and very talented crafters and vendors.
All at :16789 Pierrefonds blvd, Pierrefonds (corner St-Charles blvd). For information 514-626-5460 or email crafterswbc@hotmail.com
Red, Black and Green Affair
The Westmount SDA Church Social Committee is inviting Montrealers to its “Red, Black and Green Affair.” on Sunday 13th December at the Holiday Inn Hotel 6500 Chemin de la Cote de Liesse, Montreal. Cocktail (from 5pm) and a Dinner (from 7pm). Tickets are $35 (children), $60 (seniors), $65 (Adults), $120 (Couples). For more information contact Ann Spence (514.603.7632), Lillian Reid (514.364.7121 or 514.236.3127).
A Night of Praise : Living Room Gospel
Living Room Gospel Fusion would be holding “A Night of Praise” featuring Mona, Dexter and James on November 13 at Caribbean Paradise Restaurant.
Doors open 8:30pm and showtime 9pm. $15 dinner and show (buffet 9:15pm to 10:15pm.) Info (514) 718-9435 or (514) 222-0474