BCQ celebrates 50 years with a gala evening

BCQ celebrates 50 years with a gala evening

Rosie Awori

The privileges that many Black Quebecers enjoy presently can be attributed to the work that organizations such as the Black Coalition of Quebec (BCQ), put in.
And this year, the BCQ is marking 50 years of advocacy work started by its forerunner the National Black Coalition of Canada (NBCC).
So much so that Dan Philip name has become synonymous with the struggle for equality.
He was a founding member of the national organization (NBCC) when it was established in 1969 but Philip says he was motivated, by the Sir George Williams Affair to incorporate the BCQ and formulated the strategy that fostered much of the organization’s growth in 1980.
The spate of anti-black violence and eruptions of police brutality in the eighties and nineties pushed the BCQ to the frontlines of the fight for social justice. The police killing of 19 year old, Anthony Griffin was a lightning rod that awoke the Black community to the importance of uniting in order to press for their rights.
The past 50 years has seen the BCQ waging a constant battle against regular acts of abuse by the Montreal police officers against members of our community.
As Philip recalls, “hardly a month goes by without us hearing about police abusive acts against a Black person. ”
It has taken time, but the work has borne fruits. Philip feels like the change has come albeit, slowly. Earlier in September, victims of racial profiling by Montreal police have been authorized to proceed with a class-action lawsuit instituted by the BCQ against the City of Montreal.
The Black Coalition will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the National Black Coalition of Canada with the Mathieu DaCosta Awards Banquet on October 5 at The Living Room Banquet Hall, 5687 Pare in TMR. Four organizations including Union United Church, Carrefour Jeunesse CdN, CLAM, Montreal Community CONTACT will be recognized for the service to the cause of human rights and social justice.
Contact the Black Coalition of Quebec: 514 489 3830 or liguedesnoirs.org/en/contact