Stormy Seasons

Stormy Seasons

If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today – T. Hanh. We all go through stormy seasons and wait expectantly for the storm...

What’s On Your Mind?

What’s On Your Mind?

We often think that life is just happening to us, and we believe that we have no control over our lives. There are many situations in our lives we...

Challenge Yourself

Challenge Yourself

It’s that time of year again…. the time to challenge yourself for 2023. So, what is a 30-day challenge? It’s an effective strategy to begin to build new habits....

23 in 2023

23 in 2023

A New Year is here and it’s essential to recognize that if you don’t want your new year to be the same as your last year, you will have...

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty...

Step by Step

Step by Step

Just a reminder… Make it a point to be intentional and do something every day that will bring you closer to your goals and your calling. Every purposeful step...

I Forgive You

I Forgive You

Someone asked me recently why they should forgive someone that hurt them. Forgiveness is a tough one, especially when you’ve been hurt by someone or by a circumstance. But...

Does your focus promote positivity or negativity …

Does your focus promote positivity or negativity …

What you decide to focus on will determine your present reality. So, my question is… What are you focusing on? Where are you placing all of your energy? Does...

Get Back Up Opinions

Get Back Up

Getting knocked down in life is a given; getting up and moving forward is a choice you must make. No doubt, life can be complicated and challenging at times....

One Small Step

One Small Step

Just a reminder... Make it a point to be intentional and do something every day that will bring you a little closer to your goals and your calling. Every...