A Time to Treasure the Warmth

“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.”

Unlike other times12-18-2014 Judy of the year, the Christmas season allows us to treasure the warmth of home, the love of family, and the presence of good friends with  the added excitement of finding the perfect gift for everyone on our lists.
And although the Holidays and its  myriad activities can bring  it’s share of anxieties, proper planning eliminates much of the stress.
Start with decorating. And create an atmosphere with holiday candle scents, selected plants such as red and pink poinsettias, placed around the home, coupled with holiday displays with an added touch of seasonal music.  It’s always so soothing after a full day of work or an evening at the mall, while it also adds a bit of warmth to the home.
Plan meals in advance. If you are having guests for dinner begin by asking each person to contribute by bringing a dish. Be specific and let them prepare according to your suggested menu. In the end, everyone enjoys a good meal and no one ends the day tired.
Also, remember it’s always important to look good for the holidays. Use a touch of red and green to set the mood of the festive season.
So as we prepare to celebrate the season, remember that Christmas is not so much about opening our gifts as it is opening our hearts.
Thanks to all in our community for your continued support. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.