On April 19, 1989, the lives of Antron McCray, Raymond Santana, Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson and Korey Wise were changed when the five Black and Latino teenagers, ages...
“This is not an African disease. This is a virus that is a threat to all humanity,”: WHO It is a statement as seemingly ridiculous as it is crucial...
Owning Residential Rental Properties Many people view owning rental properties as a great way to earn a decent income with relatively little work involved. However, being the owner of...
Search every university campus across Canada and you’ll find just one Black art historian. She is Dr. Charmaine Nelson, in the department of Art History and Communication Studies at...
Twenty-five years after his seminal movie Do the Right Thing presented a unique take on America’s volatile state of race relations, Spike Lee will be in Montreal to receive...
Volume 24, Number 16 (Released September 4-18, 2014) IN THIS ISSUE The politics of Ebola: Not just an African problem In Ferguson, Missouri there was always a problem between...
Jamaicans and friends of Jamaica around the world are celebrating the nation’s 52nd anniversary of independence. At home, the celebration will be at the National Stadium with a cast...
Toronto Caribana 2014 Just nine bands were carded to take to the Lakeshore in downtown Toronto for the Scotia Bank Caribbean Carnival on August 2. About six made it...
Passed through the magnificent Panama Canal, now all roads lead to…. 80 to 90 per cent of the country’s emeralds and silver come from this area Many would...
Carifiesta 2014 overflowed with energy, as thousands of revelers and spectators jammed along St. Catherine Street in downtown Montreal on Saturday, July 5, for another edition of the much...