Why we should donate blood

Why we should donate blood

BHM annual Blood drive on February 16. Bring a friend with you

Contact Staff

Ultimately, at some point in our lives we or someone dear to us may need to receive blood for medical or even life-saving reasons, that’s why all who are able to, should answer the call to donate blood.
That call is now being sent out to our community to meet this act of civic responsibility at the annual Blood Drive organized by HEMA Quebec and The Round Table For Black History Month taking place February 16th.
Even as they put this call, organizers are quite aware of the many misconceptions or myths about giving blood in our community. Some of which include:
* Distrust and fear
•    Ineligibility
•    Painful
•    I need my blood
•    Others will do it for me
This shows much of the above reasons come mostly from those who may NOT have given blood before, that’s why they encourage people to come to the site at the CEDA building and speak with one of the Hema Quebec representatives who will be more than happy to take time to answer any questions or concerns you may have about donating blood.
Hema Quebec is a highly competent organization with the provincial responsibility to manage the acquisition, storage and distribution of blood products. The organization has over 1,300 employees who facilitate over 2,000 blood drives and see over 165,000 blood donors annually.
Blacks comprise more than 9.1% of the 8 million Quebecers. And because each of us has friends and family members who live with Sickle Cell Anemia or who are organ transplant recipients, or are undergoing chemotherapy treatments or other situations where blood transfusions are necessary. That’s why we need to do our part.
Organizers are urging the entire community to come to the CEDA Building, 2515 Delisle, (Metro Lionel Groulx) Montreal, Qc H3J 1K8 on Saturday, February 16th from 10:30 AM.