Professor said, “The article by Jessica Alex, who interviewed author Mutendei Akhaya Nabutete, who says, “He’s on a mission to change the landscape of literature in Canada. He grew up in Kenya. Well, maybe he can explain to Contact readers why Africa is the richest continent in the world… in the world, and they don’t control it. South Africa is 80 per cent Black, and Blacks do not control the economy?”
There was an “Amen” from the Ways and Means Committee.
Just Chillin said, “Black History is the greatest living Jazz pianist Oliver Jones is alive and living in Montreal. He’s now Dr. Oliver Jones.
Rufus, the barber said, “When we tell you that Dr. Oliver Jones is the world’s greatest Jazz pianist we mean. We saw them all. You have to remember, Dr. Oliver Jones grew up a few doors from Jazz piano great Oscar Peterson, who has a statue in Ottawa, a statue near the National Art Centre, but he was born and raised in Montreal, if Concordia didn’t name their Concert Hall after this great artist, you would never hear of Oscar Peterson.
Schoolboy said, “I wonder what Quebec would have done, or the City Hall of Montreal would have done, if the late great Oscar Peterson was White?”
Dropout said, “In my lifetime I have heard some naïve and dumb, very dumb questions. And that was a dumb, very dumb question. Oscar Peterson was Black, now White. We’re in Quebec, and it’s 2015, and not one person at City Hall made a statement against White folks, still using Blackface, which is derogatory and racist. City Hall in Montreal has 55 city councilors; only one is Black, among 185 thousand Blacks? The only Black city councilor, does he have any power? Can he help Blacks? Would he help Blacks? How can any Black not living in his riding help him? Because they cannot vote for him. Because the only city councilor, he’s with a party, he can only say what his leader allows him to say. So this had to be the reason why he was silent on the issue of White folks wearing Blackface.
“In Community Contact,” said Professor, “there was an article (March 5, 2015) three Community members receive national assembly medals. That was great; but read it closely. One of the persons who received a medal is challenging the Quebec government to recognize issues facing young English speaking Blacks? This person is not a student; he’s an adult.”
If you live in Montreal, and you have lived in Montreal for many, many years, and you’re an English speaking Black, you would know that Blacks are the only ones begging the Quebec government to recognize issues that face English-speaking Blacks. Only until Blacks get organized, economically organized, power is money and money is power. Only until this time will they government listen, they saw what happened with the Matthew Da Costa group, one million dollars gone. They saw what happened with the NCC, they saw what happened with the Black studies Centre. They know Blacks do not own the Union United Church property. And what ever they don’t know, they the government knows that they have “uncle toms” to tell them. And the “uncle toms” will tell them whatever they want to know and more. That’s the ignorance, selfishness and jealousy part of “our people.”
Dropout said, “Don’t forget the article in Community Contact March 5, 2015. If you really want to know about Black History…
Now every spring and all summer there are walking tours through St. Henri, aka Little Burgundy. When Oscar Peterson, Oliver Jones, Dr. Oliver Jones grew up, it was called St. Henri. When Rockheads Paradise and Royal Arthur School, Belmont School were around it was called St. Henri, now it’s called Little Burgundy. Why? Guy Street and Notre Dame were called the West End, now they call it Griffintown?
Professor Eddie Nurse had the vision to buy a $650,000 house in a section called Victor Hugo; he is now called The Mayor of Victor Hugo.
Professor Eddie knew it’s all about having the vision. Now you can say, God bless Eddie. This is talking about God in the right context.
God gave Whitney Houston everything, and you know what happened.
I heard a story said welfare Wesley, a guy didn’t pay his traffic tickets, and he was in his cell praying, the guy in the cell across from him asked, “Whom are you praying to?”
The guy said, “I’m praying to God”
Then the guy asked, “How long have you been praying?”
The guy said, “For three days.”
Then there was another guy who was in jail for the same charge, tickets. He was asked the same question, “Who are you praying to?”
The guy said he was praying to his lawyer to get him out. His lawyer said, “How long did he stay?”
“One hour,” said the guy.
Then I heard another story about a guy who told another inmate, “Why don’t you get that lawyer that everybody talks about, he’s supposed to be the best, he’s also a law professor at a top university. Some drunk in the other cell overheard the conversation and said, “I got a better lawyer for you. I’m leaving tomorrow, if you want I’ll call him for you.”
The other inmates all heard the conversation, and said, “What makes your lawyer the best?”
The drunk said, “My lawyer is the best because he plays golf with the judge.”
Professor said, “Don’t forget to tell that one about the guy who used to get arrested all the time. One time he came up before the judge, and the judge said to him “Good morning, you look familiar, have you ever been up before me?”
The guy looked at the judge and said, “I don’t know judge, what time do you get up?”
The judge said, “Six months in jail. Do you have anything to say?”
The guy said, “Judge, why did you give me six months in jail, I thought you were my friend. Don’t you remember, I’m the one that introduced you to your wife.”
The judge said, “Oh, it was you, 3 years in jail.”
“I made a mistake when I said six months.”
There was an “Amen” in the barbershop.