Thanks to family, friends and co-workers of my parents who contributed to the success of my team, “HAPPY CHOICE” for doubling our goal of $500 in donations for the Alzheimer Society of Montreal.
Not all of the donors were able to take part in the walk on Sunday May 31st, 2015 however your encouragement and support was much appreciated. The event took place at the Quais du Vieux-Port de Montréal and although it was a chilly and cold morning, 15 team members braved the weather and walked for the cause.
Over 33,000 Montrealers live with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. Our small contribution will make a difference in offering support.
Thanks to all and May The Good Lord Continue to Shower Us With His Many Blessings!
Krystal St. John-Steele.
Walk for Alzheimer’s – May 2015