Continuing Europe’s colonial history’s unfinished business… When will white people reach, satisfy, their racial blood lust quota of Black lives extraction/extracting? Which is all I could think of the weekend of May 13, when news broke about the latest case of “mass shooting madness…” And it continued to play out the beginning of the following week as we learned more about the heinous, tragic, deadly event that claimed 11 innocent lives, disrupting that Buffalo, NY. community in the process, and impacting the lives of hundreds, thousands… of others in the process, as a result of that heinous, catastrophic racist incident?

After listening to/watching multiple conversations surrounding that horrific Buffalo, N.Y, incident, I couldn’t help myself; I had to do some reflecting… on centuries-old Black history and how it continues to morph into present day lives and circumstances…
If you didn’t see the Raoul Peck 2021 HBO documentary, “Exterminate All the Brutes” then the modern-day period of history we’re living would be an opportune time to reflect on, or contextualize the history and continuing story of the brutes in question. It’s another moment to conceptualize, to revisit African/Black history as it played out back when, and continues to play out today.
It’s a revisiting of historic atrocities in the inglorious days of Black/African history, and how Europe helped shape today as we, twenty-first century inhabitants of North America know and continue live their forefathers’ repressed inhumane lives mission on the North American continent.
Raul Peck’s extermination images are coming to life in continuing real-life
extermination scenes, as the children and grand-children of yesterday’s exterminations continue the mission of the centuries-old saga of innocent “blood-letting” and bleeding…
The mission? Continue the saga of Extermination…
All the Brutes… Not just some of them, as many, and with as many firearms and ammunition that are legally, or illegally permissible. We are the land of the free, with an incomplete mission to, must: “exterminate the children of the brutes… the slaves.”
It’s a mission that now (must) extend north, across the southern border.
If you haven’t seen Raoul Peck’s production, then you should, must see it. If you had to/were forced to read Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, one reviewer calls it a “novella”, I’ll refer to it as a bible. But it’s an interesting read.
As I watched Peck’s documentary, I immediately made the connection to Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and other historic documentaries and ‘readables’ In retrospect, that Concordia literature class served me well back in the day.
So, as more and more Black people continue to be targeted and violently mowed down by America’s radicalized, demented, racist, trigger happy generation my thoughts and mind are now crystallized. I will never again cross that southern border to visit big or small place America.
I can’t take anymore of American’s gun madness and racially nurtured and obsessed, hatefulness, murdering and bloodletting… There was a time, many years ago, when I looked forward to crossing the southern border, or 49th Parallel, which I did fairly regularly when things were humanly normal in that proverbial Home of the free and the Land of the brave…
When will white people reach or satisfy what they believe is their quota seem their quota of Black lives to be sacrificed?
As one outspoken pastor once stated to the chagrin of many, specifically a famous popular president: “It’s not God Bless America… it’s God damn America…” No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people…
“It’s not God Bless America… it’s God damn America…”
And it’s gradually making its way to Canada. Some politicians are parroting the American practices… No fear. Just be vigilant and aware.