James Brown would run into confrontations with the police later on in his life in the late 80’s and...
Montreal Gospel Choir, directed by Carol Bernard SEASON FINALE 2024 80 singers + 5 musicians Saturday April 27, 4pm...
In the summer of 1972, Reverend Frank Gabourel, then minister of Union United Church, proposed a scholarship in memory...
In the summer of 1964, Gemma Raeburn- Baynes started a new chapter. Together with her mother and sister, they...
Erene Anthony, fondly referred to as Ms. Anthony in the community has dedicated her life to nurturing talents from,...
An hour into the Taste of Tea party, Sandra Anderson is walking on to the stage to receive the...
Saturday, April 6th 2024 3:00pm to 5:30pm Union United Church 3007 Delisle Street, Montréal A Donation of...
Roderyk Boykin There’s a growing divide between Canadian and American wages. This poses a threat to the stability of...
In a ceremony on Wednesday, February 28, the Althea-Seaman Linear Park was unveiled, a serene stretch tracing the banks...
The Steelpan was a permanent fixture in the Salah household. Growing up the youngest of four siblings, Fatima Wilson...