Fifteen years after opening their doors, Bountiful Blessings a west island based charitable organization continues to be a force...
A year after what was an unlikely breakthrough in last fall’s municipal elections, it’s safe to say that Gracia...
Nompumelelo Moyo (LJI) Meet Linkcon ‘Prezzy’ Demetrius, a versatile young entrepreneur and the driving force behind Driven Paper Next...
Immigration and identity politics are enduring issues in Quebec and all too familiar to Montreal playwright Christine Rodriguez who...
Quietly, and without much fanfare and bluster, Daniel McNeil is one of Canada’s most important Black intellectuals. Once an...
Nompumelelo Moyo (LJI) and Egbert Gaye Audley Coley, Kirk Gayle and Brian Smith have become well known in our...
Nompumelelo Moyo (LJI) Driven by her passion to help others, Sharon Pilgrim, co-founder of Afro Canadian Philanthropic Initiative (ACPI)...
“Black people are the magical faces at the bottom of society’s well. Even the poorest whites, those who must...
Emotions are stirring among groups and individuals in the Little Burgundy area and across the city following a recent...
On Thursday, December 29, six students from Antigua were in Montreal, sharing stories. All six, Shenika Bentick, Sheneilla Somerset,...