Indeed, God created both times and seasons. But I want you to be aware that there is a wicked devil who can work in the realms of the spirit to change and manipulate your time and your season.
Satan’s name was once Lucifer, and he was very close to God. Before he was thrown out of heaven to Earth, he enjoyed a rare closeness to God. One of the benefits of this closeness was a deep understanding of how God operates in times and seasons.
After Satan’s fall, he was able to manipulate men’s times and seasons for evil; especially that of those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour.
He begins by cleansing negative and evil times and seasons so men and women cannot fulfil their prescribed destiny. He would go to any level just to counterfeit God’s design and deceive, if possible, even the very elect of God.
Revelation 12:9 tells us that the deceiver of the whole world, the grand adversary of both God and man; he is very hostile to everything good and godly.
Many people, however, are still ignorant of the fact that the devil can change their times and seasons. The most noteworthy example is when he tried, at the birth of Jesus, to destroy all male children born during that era; but God was aware of his tricks and intercepted his plans.
Unfortunately, countless lives have been manipulated by the works of the devil and the cemetery is full of men and women whose great destinies were intercepted, and some violently taken away by means of accidents, sudden death, suicide, terrorist attacks, food poisonings, crib death and many other strange fatal occurrences.
When people plan wickedness against you, they are willing to go to extreme measures; some will even go to witch-doctors to cast spells on you for untimely death. You see, the Devil knows that God set up times and seasons to control creation and so he in turn knows how to set up evil powers to fight natural and spiritual seasons affcting families, communities and the world at large. There is a reason why serving The Lord Jesus Christ is so rewarding. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil off your life. He came to set us free from all the tricks and the deceptions of the devil.
You don’t have to fear wicked times and seasons when you give your life to the Lord Jesus. He promised never to leave you nor forsake you. He promised to satisfy you with long life. No weapon that the enemy tries to use to destroy your life will prosper because it is written in God’s word. God will send his angels to watch over you day and night.
Readers, it’s time for you to enter into the ark of safety before it’s too late. God is a giver of long life. Jesus is pro life. Choose life and you will have a long life.
If you want to learn more about the promises of God and the protection that God offers to his children against the wicked schemes of darkness,
join us at any of our services either Sunday at 12:30pm or Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM both at 4119 de Maisonneuve West/corner of Wood Avenue (Atwater Metro). Connect with us online at www.hopfanqc.ca | or on social media: @hopfanc
Your truly,
Pastor Julianna Daniel