Tidying Up Your Life!

There is freedom and peace in letting go.

It’s time to simplify. It’s time to think about tidying up your life.
It’s time to get rid of all of the excess baggage that’s been holding you back mentally, emotionally and physically.
I know that I’ve previously talked about the importance of releasing those things that are not helping you to move forward and grow as a person; that’s because it’s important to remember excess baggage doesn’t just affect what’s going on around you, it also affects what’s going on inside of you.
We surround ourselves with so much stuff and excess noise and that constant clatter steals our joy, robs us of our energy and peace and can leave us feeling stressed out, drained and empty.
Think about it…
Do you need to externally detox? Do you need to internally detox?
Don’t ignore your truth.
It’s time to figure out how your clutter is affecting you and decide to make any necessary changes.
The task of de-cluttering your mind might seem daunting, but making a conscious decision to edit some of the things in your life is a necessary part of your continued personal growth.
Writing down or talking about your thoughts and feelings is helpful to identifying your truth. A vital part of releasing the stuff that is holding you back is forgiveness and making a decision to release the past.
Remember, I’ve said it before: Forgiveness is for your healing.
Take time to quiet your mind and be still so that you are able to hear your heart telling you what you need or don’t need.
Physical and emotional clutter keeps you stuck. Clutter keeps you from growing and evolving. It keeps you from focusing and feeling peaceful.
As you begin this process, keep in mind that some people and things that were part of your past may not be part of your future; there is a season for everything.
Focus on the people and relationships that are important to you.
Focus on the things that really matter.
I understand that it can be hard to get rid of your baggage whether it’s emotional or just excess stuff.
Take it one step at a time and ask for help if you need it
Be honest with yourself.
Take it slow; it’s not a race
God will give you the strength that you need. Just ask Him.

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. [Isaiah 41:13]

When we let go of the old, we make room for the new.
There is freedom and peace in letting go.
Bev: BTBenskin@gmail.com