Learning is designed to be a lifelong program.

There is an urgent need for men to get back to reading, writing and seeking knowledge.
This generation needs to wake up to the reality that knowledge is extremely important.
Learning is designed to be a lifelong program.
This world needs to raise up peak learners. Learners that actually like to learn!
Peak learners never cease to learn because they have a hunger for knowledge that is current. As a result, they are always seeking for new ideas, concepts and information.
Peak learners have a different objective about learning.
They know that such elevated interests in learning result in peak performance.
They know that learning has a laboratory where one needs to experiment. They also understand that wisdom, knowledge and understanding come with a price.
They know that knowledge has depth.
They know that common-sense alone produces commoners meanwhile they must aspire to surpass the average notions and go deeper. Simply put, common-sense alone cannot make you a great professional; though it may be a good starting point, you need a current, relevant, specific and advanced knowledge added to common-sense in order to become profitable in whatever you choose to do in life.
Understand that peak learning is not about going back to school and sitting in a classroom, it’s not about writing exams, or even seeking the highest scores on graded tests; rather this type of learning is a form of ambition and passion that springs up within you. It’s a desire to advance academically by reading good books, writing often and using meditation as forms of self-improvement.
T.L. Osborne, a great author, once wrote “ the day you stop learning, reading and writing, is the day you start dying”. He also said that formal education will education will make you a living but self-education can make you a fortune”.
Another of his statements explained that: “many are making a living because they refuse to invest in self education”.
Did you know that knowledge is a new world currency to those that discover it?
Wisdom, knowledge and understanding have been around for years and every civilization throughout history have all invested in knowledge.
When we look back at the primitive years, when there was no stove, fridge, microwave, washing machine etc many simple daily tasks were much more difficult to accomplish and were much more time consuming.
We need to thank God for the men and women who paid the price to get current knowledge on each of these innovations in our history that have resulted in better lives for you and me. Praise God for them. Their energy, sweat, research, effort, tenacity, and determination have caused you to benefit from and experience a much more enjoyable way of life.
We can’t even see myself living without electricity in the house.
So, what kind of change or innovation can you bring to the table?
It’s time to pray for knowledge … they that know their God shall do great exploits (Daniel 11:32). Knowledge and revelation is key, seek to go deeper and explore what others overlook or cannot see.
Only what you do for Christ will last and there is so much work to do before Jesus returns or calls us home. Jesus himself said that the work is plentiful but the workers are few. Won’t you join us in working in the Lord’s vineyard?
At House of Prayer for all Nations we are working to teach and preach God’s word while equipping people to live victorious, joyful lives in the freedom Christ has given. Join us at 4119 deMaisonneuve west (corner Wood Ave.) on Sunday’s from 12:30pm for our regular service or Tuesday’s at 6:30pm for Bible study.
God bless
Pastor Julianna Daniel