Prayer Works !

Prayer Works !

Let prayer become a tool to build up and reconstruct your life!

Prayer works !

Let prayer become a tool to build up and reconstruct your life!
Prayer is so important and so powerful, yet how much do we pray?
Some people say “I don’t know how to pray”, but prayer is simply talking to God.
Though it may be simple, it is powerful beyond our human comprehension.
Prayer to God can be a tool that we use to partner with God to see His will accomplished in the earth. To see His will accomplished in the lives of our children and loved ones.
Have you ever heard the saying “prayer works”? IT DOES!!
God tells us in Isaiah 55:11 that His word works… God’s word will make things happen; what He wants to happen [accomplish what He desires/purposes], and succeed in doing what it is sent to do.
It is like having an oven. You’ve got to put it to work. Start by plugging it, then turning on the power, setting the temperature, and allow the time necessary for it to work. As it works, the glob of dough will transform into bread and the watery batter will metamorphose from a watery loose substance to a cake that is moist and firm enough to hold, slice and enjoy.
Prayer has a similar course of action. We need to plug into the source of power [God/ the word of God], then turn on the switch [revelation from Holy Spirit ]; which will cause the temperature [power being released] to rise giving it the opportunity to work and complete what it was set to do.
When you pray God’s word, the Word begins to work and your prayer becomes powerful to change situations. Your prayers when plugged into the word and revelation of God can cause circumstances to metamorphose into something else, something that was a mess can become beautiful, something that was stressful can become peaceful. ultimately making a difference in your life and the lives of others.
I encourage us all to pray the scriptures because they are God’s words that he has promised would not return to him without results, if sent [in prayer].
He promised that his words would accomplish and do what it is sent out to do and fulfill God’s purposes in the earth.
Are you ready to send out God’s word and put it to work? Allow me to give you some examples of what I mean…
Does your child, nephew or young person you know have an exam? Pray the Word over them. Pray proverbs 3:5-7 that they would

“Trust in the Lord with all their heart, and not lean on their own understanding.” Praying that, “in all their ways, [for every assignment, homework and test question] that they would acknowledge God, and He will make straight and direct their paths”.

Pray this way and guess what… the Word will work to see God’s will accomplished in that situation.
Do you know of a situation that seems delicate to handle or one that requires careful speech? Whether for yourself or for another person; I encourage you to pray James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives it generously to ALL without disapproval, and it will be given to you”.
Many know Psalm 23 but instead of reciting it try appropriating it. For example,When in hard or trying times, take verse 4 of that chapter and say “Even though I (say YOUR NAME) walk through the darkest valley, I (SAY YOUR NAME) will fear no evil, for you [God] are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me…
Friends and fellow Montrealers, the Word of God is a powerful tool, especially when used in prayer. There is so so so much more that can be said about this topic, but we’ll keep the rest for next time. But for now, be encouraged that to pray is to talk to God, and to pray God’s word is to partner with God in a supernatural way!

Tynesha Mullings