Deliver us from evil…

Psalms 23:4 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil”. King David penned these words many years ago but friends I want to remind you that evil still exists, even today.
Evil is very active in the world today. There are good people and there are evil people. There are good days and they are also evil days. Most often where there is increased fear, there is evil.
Some people think that no one can do them harm or wickedness. It’s sad to say that such people are living in denial; because evil does indeed exist.
The Bible gives us so much information about good and evil. It tells us who is the master and friend of all evil. His name is Satan. In John10:10 scripture tells us that he is a thief. Read it for yourself to see what he loves to do the most. He inspires people to do evil things to fulfil his mandate.
As a result, some people’s thoughts and minds are very evil. Some men and women may look peaceful on the outside but their hearts are very wicked towards innocent people. They can hide their wicked personalities for years without anyone discerning their true nature. This type of behavior is a spirit and is very present and popular today.
I, however, want to introduce you to Jesus Christ, the one that can help you live a good life. He stands for truth and goodness. He wants to be your shepherd, He wants to see you through difficult situations. He does not want you to die in the hands of the wicked. He wants to satisfy you with a long life.
Please stop “living anyhow.” If you live anyhow you can die anyhow. Love purposefully for God and with God.
Please don’t take this message for granted. Let it be a wake-up call. Evil and wicked people are very much alive today looking to harm innocent people.
Do not be a victim of evil doers; learn to pray for protection against wickedness. Begin to walk with God and let his light dispel the darkness around you. Shun the evil connections and friendships that you know about and humble yourself under the powerful hand of God.
Our ministry House Of Prayer For All Nations specializes in praying against evil forces and wicked people. We preach the truth that good and evil exist and that though darkness is present, Jesus is the light of the world. Let the gospel light illuminate and transform your life. I welcome you to visit our website ( in order to listen to powerful, edifying sermons that will enlighten you and inform you in the things I am talking about.
Pray more, draw close to God and He will draw close to you. Jesus taught His disciples the Father’s prayer and in it He says “ Deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever.” Let each of us make this request before God in sincere prayer. He is a good God and He cares for you.
Pastor Julianna Daniel