On the morning August 17, Sister Beverley Deroy made two significant donations on behalf of her church, Montreal Deliverance Church of God 7th Day to charities in the Montreal area.
She presented a $500 cheque to Veronique Salibur of the The Old Brewery Mission, who thanked the “Deliverance Church of God 7th Day for their support and financial gift to the mission of the homeless men and women of Montreal.”
A $300cheque was also presented to the NDG Food Depot and representative Caitlin Hayward expressed the gratitude of the institution that assist under-privileged people in the area.
Sister Deroy expresses her own gratitude to those who helped in the cause.
We the Montreal Deliverance Church of God 7th Day would like to thank all the people that attended our church activities.
First, our Church Bazaar held on 26th June 2016, thank you all for your support.
As you know all the proceeds will go to the old Brewery Mission and the N.D.G. Food Bank. Also our Annual Free Hotdog Day that was held 31st July 2016 was a success. Our goal is to acquaint ourselves with the neighborhood and its people and I think we accomplished a little of that at this event.
God gave us a beautiful day and we want to give him thanks. People were very warm and kind. We met people that inquire about our church and we hope to win some for our lord.
The sacrifice that we are making cannot compare to the full sacrifice that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by giving his life for all. So we wan to thank all the brethren that put their hands and heart together in making this day a success.
We would like to let you know that we feed the homeless once a month downtown and if anyone would like to help in anyway, you are more than welcome.
Its our hope to do as much good, has our Lord. As he walk the land he was doing good to everyone he met and if you would like to help him in our effort to do good we will appreciate it. – God Bless
Contact us at 514-736-0650 or visit our website: www.deliverancechurchofgod7thday-montreal.net
Good Deeds from Deliverance Church of God 7th Day