Get alkalinity levels right

Maybe this is why you’re not feeling 100%

An alkalineOdessa diet is when the foods you consume have a pH of  7 and higher.
The body needs acidity and alkalinity to function regularly, but if there is too much acidic content moving through the system this creates an environment for bacteria and viruses to thrive. Increasing your alkalinity re-boots the system and causes it to eliminate excessive toxins.
This kind of diet can be followed for long periods of time as it nourishing in nature.
Alkaline minerals such as potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron and calcium would be purposely integrated into this regime to encourage healing.
Combining proper food  is another way of reducing acidity. What does proper food combining entail?  One of the first and probably most difficult habits for many to eliminate: mixing protein and carbs.
Let me break this down for you… No rice and peas. No chicken and rice. No pasta and meat.
There. I said it.
The reason being is that dairy, fruits, vegetables, carbs and proteins all have different digestive processes. Each one has a specific amount of time it takes to be broken down and used in the body.
Fruits should be eaten alone, 20 minutes before eating anything else, no drinks while eating, Veggies can mix with carbs and they can mix with protein, fats and sugar. Everything else mixed together is a no no. For example, in your day you can have 4 different options being: Carbs and greens, greens and proteins, a fruit smoothie, a blended green drink.
An alkaline diet requires preparation and attention to detail, if you could focus yourself for 7 days and commit to keeping your pH above 7 with lots of water, green drinks and proper food combining you’ll feel a world of a difference.
Symptoms of over acidification aka acidosis include fatigue, loss of enthusiasm for life, loss of sex drive, poor quality sleep, tire quickly (physically and mentally) and depression

These symptoms are triggered due to the fact that the main minerals required to nourish the nervous system are the very same minerals used to neutralize excess acids

The next set of symptoms as acidosis increases are sensitivity to cold, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, low endocrine function, overactive followed by under active thyroid, recurring infections.
Some basic tools for an alkaline diet includes pure, filtered or distilled water, a blender and or a juicer, super foods: wheatgrass, spirulina and chlorella (dried powdered or tablet form is easier on the pocket), vegetables and fruits (to make drinks and salads throughout the day), herbs for seasoning: cayenne, basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, Himalayan salt (very sparingly), cinnamon, nutmeg and a food combining chart.

Here is a list of some vegetables and fruits for your daily menus: Beet, Carrot, Cucumber, Fennel, Green beans, Kale, Spinach, Sweet pepper, Yellow squash, Zucchini
Some ingredients for fruit additions are: Avocado, banana, berries, cantaloupe, green apples, lime
and tomatoes.
Look for minimal ways to incorporate small change. For example 2 extra glasses of lemon water a day, don’t eat the extra portion, don’t pick up that incredibly sweet item. Let your goal be to make these things a habit, not a periodic gift to Self.
We will be hosting a Detox and Cleansing Conference, “Purge & Emerge”, March 14th at the UNIA from 8:30am to 6pm with guest speakers. Self investment is $50 and childcare is free. For more information contact 1.800.307.0156