I had a session with my doctor a couple weeks ago, one of my recurring meetings with her to determine my present state of health under her medical care and guidance.
I always tell people that if I owned an automobile, much the same way many to most of them make a habit of visiting a garage an ongoing basis to consult their mechanic whenever they hear a strange noise coming from under the hood or somewhere else, I treat my body and health as such, a piece of machinery that endures a lot of mileage and punishment almost every day, and as such needs regular mechanic or other inspection… repair to ensure that all the parts are functioning at 100 per cent.
As such, I schedule a periodic appointment with her to determine if all the essential parts are functioning up to par. If all the primary organs are not functional, functioning up to scratch then the flesh, bones and other necessary parts that keep me moving in moving and functioning up to par when I awake or go outside to do necessary personal family business will conk out, putting me/my family in a precarious situation.
Of course, there are always alternatives to foot travel; true, but for all it’s worth, the human machinery needs to be in motion, functioning properly by exercising to ensure its long-term problem-free functionality. Which is why many people, including medical practitioners, advise us to do some form/of physical exercise regularly.
I imagine that much like automobile owners habitually head outside and jump in their automobiles to go take care of their usual/normal necessary business, that is if you don’t (want to) have to take a taxi, Uber or other mode of conversation, phone digits at your fingertips, which most regular, or say average people, out of choice and need, do not.
Oh yes, my recent session with Doctor XYZ was from her mind and mouth to my ears, mind, mouth, words… and your eyes as it were.
People familiar with my family (on both paternal/maternal sides) have spoke of what might be construed/interpreted as manifested mental episodes… as such my recent medical diagnosis is hardly a surprise. It’s a natural outcome. As the old saying goes: “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
One can then say I’m still a green apple in the process of ripening to its eventual harvesting colour. That’s not to say that I’m on the verge of going off the wall, or on the verge of suffering life impeding mental frailties along the rest of what I always thought would be some semblance of longevity, given my late mother’s long… or extended life span. She died in late August 2020 at 93.
For some inexplicable reason, I always thought I would tread in her footsteps, her long life’s path. Although nine, ten decades of life, plus longer in some instances, have almost become a norm for many beings so far in this twenty-first century, where becoming 90 or more, have seemingly become a norm rather than an exception.
Truth is, in my mother’s situation, ninety-three years of life and in fairly good health was a life bonus of sorts. In fact something to celebrate and enjoy. It’s a longevity bo- nus of sorts. But the end was inevitable; all good things must end, and they did. Nine plus fairly good decades of life lived. Which I sometimes I believe I was destined for, and was trying to emulate? Hmmm…
Recent findings/declarations by my doctor suggests a proverbial long lifetime should be put on hold for now. Not to dampen my centenary dreams mind you, just to bear in mind that proverbial apple statement. It’s true sometimes, but for sure nothing to live by… Life will play out how it chooses to, and that’s a fact.
All things considered, all good things will end, especially life. It will inevitably play out the way the cards have been dealt, so play them carefully, and enjoy. That’s all part of the proverbial cycle…
Safe living and good habits, etc., fate will determine the rest I’ve been told by some elders with God’s intervention as well as my elders (the female ones in particular, playing a central and major, including spiritually).
My great-grandmother and grandmother on my maternal side, were good for that with their recurring religious inculcating from time to time.
Speaking to people over the years who are more familiar than I am with people on both sides of my dual (masculine and feminine gender) family trees, I’ve been able to gather enough information to spin these words into some semblance of literary family tree to put my current condition and recent health revelations into some perspective as it were. We all have an origin after all. Allow life to play out as it should, would, and will.
So never mind the gossiping. Ask questions…
I haven’t received a death sentence, yet, just a doctor’s and other’s findings. There’s more expertise/information to come – later.
In the meantime there’s life to live… Until further notice I’ll be grazing in the field of life.