For BHM 2019 the focus is on women’s voices

For BHM 2019 the focus is on women’s voices

Egbert Gaye

This year, the achievements and contributions of Black women are central to the celebration of Black History Month.
The theme for 2019 is Voices of Emancipation. And according to Michael Farkas, head of the organizing body, The Round Table For Black History Month, it’s especially relevant because of the ongoing contributions and achievements of women and their role in empowering our community.

« Nous avons choisi le thème Voix d’émancipation, car des femmes se sont levées et d’autres
se mettent chaque jour en marche pour s’engager et réaliser leurs rêves afin de témoigner de
leur expérience et de leur dévouement à la communauté », souligne le président Michael P. Farkas.
«Nous tenons à exprimer toute notre gratitude à ces femmes dont les parcours de vie continuent de nous guider et de nous inspirer. »

“We chose the theme, Voice of Emancipation, because everyday women wake up and get dressed and work to realize their dreams to witness their experience and commitment to the community,” said President Michael P. Farkas.
We would like to express our gratitude to the women whose lives’ journey continue to guide and inspire us.
Coordinator Carla Beauvais also sees it as an opportune time to shine the spotlight on women, many of whom have been on the frontline in the struggle for social change.

«À l’ère du #me too, Black Lives Matter ou encore Noires n’est pas mon métier, nous assistons à
un engagement social majeur. Dynamisés par ces mouvements, il est symbolique pour nous de
mettre en lumière des femmes qui jouent le rôle primordial d’acteur de changement. Ces modèles
aux parcours inspirants nous rappellent que nous avons en main notre destinée », déclare Carla
Beauvais, coordonnatrice de la Table Ronde du Mois de l’histoire des Noirs.

“In the era of the #me too, Black Lives MATTER or Black is not my trade, we are assisting in a major social commitment. Boosted by these movements, it is symbolic for us to highlight women who played the central role of actors of change. These models’ inspiring path remind us that we have our destiny in hand,” declares Carla Beauvais, Coordinator of the Black History Month Round Table.
This year, 12 women drawn from a range of professions and interests were chosen for special recognition as laureates in the annual Black History Month Calendar.
Among the group is early entrepreneur Ms. Thelma Johnson, whose hairdressing salon, Thelma’s House Of Beauty, was a landmark in the community for 37 years. She was also one of the founders of The Caribbean Pioneer Women Of Canada.
The others include, journalist Noémi Mercier; choir leader Marcia Bailey; Olympic diver Jennifer Abel, community worker and women’s advocate Grace Campbell; Oumalker Idil Kalif, a sociologist and entrepreneur; Deborah Forde, an artiste and community advocate; Dorothy Alexandre, a communication specialist and community worker; Marlihan Lopez, a strident advocate for women’s rights and racial justice; Déborah Cherenfant, a blogger on women’s issues as well as the founder of Atelier Coloré studio; Akilah Newton, an author, activist and entrepreneur, and Rose Ngo Ndjel, a women’s rights advocate and community worker at le Centre des Femmes de Parc-Extension.
The Round Table will also help to shine the spotlight on more than 150 events and activities that will be part of the celebration of BHM 2019. Highlighted among them are
•    BTW Vision Celebration on February 2
•    Monnaie-Money, an exposition of talent and creativity at the Oscar Peterson Hall on February 23.
•    Conversations Noires, a conference that will include participation by Nanthalie N’dongo? Robyn Maynard, Dr. Charmaine Nelson and Hanna Che, among others exploring issues pertaining to women and empowerment at the Centre Phi on February 23 and
•    The Dynasty Gala on March 10 at the TOHU, an award presentation evening recognizing the work of artists as well as people in media.
The complete list of events and activities is available at