Emrith got fooled-up for his birthday

Emrith got fooled-up for his birthday

They really pulled a fast one on Emrith.
There he was on the evening of Saturday, January 24, preparing to spend a night with partner Savi and daughters Nadia and Christine, just liming…
His brother Richie and sister Indra were supposed to visit from Toronto, but he is not sure that they were going to make it up to Montreal.
It was a nice evening and everything was lining up well for the man who recently turned 60 years old. He was feeling good and chose to wear the nice, expensive blue shirt he got for his birthday.
The first thing on the agenda for the evening was for them all to stop by the   Eveagreen Reception Hall, the old Tiffany’s, to show their faces at Cheryl Wallace’s b-day bash. After all, she brought him such a nice invitation several weeks before.
He got to Eveagreen around 9:30 or thereabouts. And didn’t think much about the front door of the hall being closed and the prattling of familiar voices coming from inside.
For a while he thought something funny was going on, but before the poor man could catch himself, he was a little overwhelmed by the crowd shouting: “Surprise!” and converging on him wishing him “Happy birthday!”
They were all there, a roomful of relatives and friends, including the Toronto posse with Ritchie and singer Jennifer. Lots of good friends also: Lenny (Aladdin), Stretch, Raphael (610), Joe (the Plumber), Len (Charles), Steve Payne, Victor’s wife Lena and the children, good friend Lennox, Love Express and Diane, and so many others.
But poor guy, he still didn’t realize that this was all for him. He thought he was infringing on Cheryl’s party until Brenda pulled him in a corner and told him: “Listen stupidee, it’s your party… a surprise.”
Well, then the drinking and the good time start.
Emrith couldn’t believe his lucky stars when they put him to sit on a chair in the middle of the room and let Lula the burlesque dancer loose on him (and Savi didn’t mind.)
Lula was good…. lots of titillating moves punctuated by a tastefully executed striptease that caused all the guys in the room to look upon Emrith with envy.
Anyways, the food was aplenty, the drinks flowed all night and with six deejays on hand, the music never stopped.
The dancing, eating and drinking took on special meaning for each and everyone in the room because we were all aware that this celebration was for a special man who built his business, Caribbean Curry House, as a beacon of unity in our community, but also extended himself in friendship and support to the many Montrealers who cross paths with him.
Again, Happy Birthday Emrith Kalliecharan… you are a good, decent man.

Egbert Gaye