When Europeans set out across the world centuries ago under the auspices of kings, queens and governments and flags, they never foresaw centuries of post-colonials’ discontent.Novel THOMAS

I have never had a modicum of interest in Maxime Bernier’s PEOPLES PARTY OF CANADA (PPC) and its political agenda—whatever the disgruntled former Conservative Member of Parliament in the Stephen Harper government has been selling Canadians since he decided to breakaway from the Conservatives to start his own political party and one imagines version of conservatism.
On reflection I’ve come to the conclusion that Harper’s version of “Old Stock” [Canadian] Conservatism wasn’t radical enough for Mr. Bernier so he found his own political party.
What Maxime wants, or seems to be championing, is a new Canadian immigration policy and who and how many potential immigrants should be allowed into Canada, and how.
Which is why he has seeded a “Mass Immigration” electoral mantra, hoping it will translate into votes that will take him to 24 Sussex Drive when all the votes are counted on election night.
So far, Bernier’s primary electoral foundation is essentially about stemming the tide of “mass immigration” to Canada. And from our vantage point, living less than a hundred miles from the 49th Parallel, we have seen some examples of the so-called immigration crisis, or mass immigration, Maxime (and other politicians of his ilk—I think the current Conservative leader is a ‘light’ version of Bernier on matters immigration—) are attempting to translate into votes…
And yes, many media mouthpieces contend that immigration will be a major issue on the hustings.
I saw some of the images that got the PPC leader a little hot under the collar on almost nightly television news back in 2017 as “refugees” were crashing the border down the way in search of a safe haven [in Canada] as the new U.S. anti-immigration government was threatening residents who couldn’t provide legal documents attesting to the right to live in the U.S with deportation. So they took advantage of the only remaining option, head north like those people generations ago who were running away from the system of slavery… or other form of human subjugation.
Of course, the scenario in question back in 2017 was not about slavery, just about people on the move seeking refuge and the proverbial “better life,” including economic, escaping different and various crises in their respective countries in a world of strife…
Those images at the border clearly didn’t resonate with Maxime Bernier.
Maybe if they were mostly people of European extraction seeking a safe haven he would be less troubled about his perceived “mass immigration” obsession.
But there are many supportive Canadians onside.
Late last month, a billboard with a portrait of the PPC leader along with the slogan “Say NO to Mass Immigration” was displayed in Toronto and, according to reports, other parts of Canada. A national outcry soon forced the sponsor (Bernier’s handlers conjured the Shaggy mantra) to remove it because of its anti-immigration message, and more profoundly, what some people deemed to be its subtle racist, anti-multicultural/immigration sentiment.
Not many politicians or others who do not share Maxime Bernier’s sentiment publicly called him out. But Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil took the high road when he criticized the billboards when he tweeted “I don’t welcome this negative, divisive tone…”
The premier’s tweet continues, “Our population is at an all-time high, unemployment is at a record low and our economy is growing, in large part thanks to immigration.”
Hamilton, Ont. mayor, Fred Eisenberger echoes the premier. He also spoke out against the sign, saying his family moved to Canada from the Netherlands for “a better future.”
“Immigrants have and will continue to make our country better,” he continued on Twitter.
Such is the true value of mass or any other form of immigration from any and all parts of the world.
People invariably want to, and choose to, come to Canada for the same reasons… PEOPLES PARTY OF CANADA leader Maxime Bernier’s sentiment notwithstanding, but something for him to chew on.
Conclusion next time