Promises and counter promises… political auctioneering at its best as stupendous amounts of money are being seductively blown around like magic dust by the candidates vying for Canadians’ votes with hopes of forming and leading the next federal government once the dust eventually settles and a new prime minister is selected in a little over a week or so to begin the process of delivering the goods promised throughout the campaign.
In the first national debate former prime minister Justin Trudeau was, to reiterate the oft-used sentiment of his challengers and their supporters, was ‘forced to defend his decision to call an election during the pandemic.’
How that decision impacts most Canadians who wish to vote is perplexing, a moot point at best. Sure, it will be the first time most people have been summoned to go to the polls under unusual pandemic circumstances. In past elections, less than favourable weather forecasts (and conditions) for election day have been problematic, but when all was said and done people simply went ahead and did their .
Canadians have never been called to vote during a global pandemic; many to most of us have never lived in a pandemic period. But given media rumblings about the former prime minister’s decision to call an election, some people may have second thoughts about heading to the polls on September 20.
But according to one Sara Nomani in an online article, I Think We Can Hold Elections During The Pandemic With Social Distancing.
I’m not familiar with that that person or her background, but she laid out her opinion for the world to read, and share, if they’re so inclined.
That said, or read, since the arrival of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic we’ve been bombarded daily with all sorts of scientific information by credible, perhaps incredible, people regarding the do’s about protecting ourselves and loved ones from contracting the virus.
The choices and decisions most of us (continue to) make the duration of this deadly virus will determine if we emerge on the right side of this disease once it’s vanquished by scientists, not skeptics and their dangerous denialism.
As far as this current or past federal election campaigns are concerned, parties of all stripes have always found ways to ensure and assist voters of all political leanings to get to the polls in safety on election day to cast their vote.
And given the current circumstances all parties involved in the ongoing exercise will certainly ensure that Canadians of all political allegiances will get to the polls where Covid-19 pandemic protocols will be strictly enforced, to safely cast their votes.
That’s a given, just because on September 20 as in every other federal election, past and future, stakes are high, especially given predictions of a tight battle between the two major parties. All votes matter.
It’s fair to assume then, that given predictions of a tight election battle between the two major parties, the runners-up too will stay in the race, looking for additional representatives in the House of Commons, looking for additional political party representatives to ensure greater profile on the national political scene.
And given predictions of a tight election race between the two major parties, and the prime ministerial cup up for grabs both are pushing hard with big financial promises… which, unfortunately, they won’t have an opportunity to manage.
Stakes are high indeed, so stupendous amounts of dollars are being thrown around by all parties, especially the usual winner/runner-up duo that will become the respective recipients of (taxpayers’) largesse, that given the nature and predictability of Canadian politics, even I know which thoroughbred will finish out of the race… But not all will be lost; they, too, will be favoured with some (national) tax dollars…
So its fair to assume that given predictions of a tight election battle between the two major parties, as well as those looking for additional representatives in the House of Commons, party leaders will go all out to attract more Canadians to their respective parties’ political/electoral ideologies.
I think I’ve made my decision. I like the CBC, always have, for a host of reasons… It’s not perfect by any stretch, but in my view it’s a medium that speaks (in various ways) to Canadians of all racial/ethnic/cultural backgrounds… That caused me to eliminate that party and leader who talked about cutting the CBC’s budget.
What will the nation’s broadcaster sound like if that “Old Stock Canadian” type politician (much like one of his political predecessors) is afforded the political right to tinker with and determine the future of CBC radio, the national broadcaster.
Don’t allow the narrow nationalistic thinking of one provincial leader dictate or determine where you place your X or darken your circle.
Promises and counter promises, political auctioneering… Call it what you like. In a week and a half or so, we’ll be looking at a recycled or new Canadian prime minister to take the nation through to… hopefully the end of the human and social ravages and inconveniences of the months-long COVID-19 pandemic.
Wear your masque when you arrive at the polling station on September 20, and make sure you vote wise and for the right party and candidate. And don’t allow the narrow nationalistic sentiments of any provincial leader dictate or determine where you place your X or darken your circle on E day. The world has enough nations/countries to manage…
Just vote right, left if you prefer. But vote!