On the evening of December 6, several Bajan officials were on hand to witness the Borough of Cote-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grace council adopt a motion to congratulate Barbados and extend “best wishes” to Montrealers of Bajan heritage on the celebration of the nation’s 50th Anniversary of Independence.
The motion was moved by Marvin Rotrand, city councilor for Snowdon and seconded by Borough Mayor Russell Copeman. It was adopted unanimously.
And a copy of this resolution was sent to Yvonne V. Walkes, high commissioner of Barbados in Ottawa.
On hand to witness the occasion were Dr. Myrna Lashley, honorary consul of Barbados, Gus Hollingsworth, communications officer of Barbados House Montreal Inc., Stacy Hutchinson, senior business officer – Barbados Tourism Marketing, and Debra Millington also a business officer at Barbados Tourism Marketing.
Whereas Barbados proudly celebrated its 50th year of independence last November 30;
Whereas there is a large diaspora of persons of “Bajan” origin or heritage in Canada including in the City of Montreal;
Whereas Barbados and Canada have enjoyed three centuries of harmonious relations with significant trade and tourism;
Whereas persons of “Bajan” origin and heritage have a long association with the Borough of Cote-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grace which remains home to a substantial number of persons who identify with Barbados;
Whereas Barbados House, the main “Bajan” organization in Montreal, has partnered with the Borough of Cote-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grace and received support from the Council for its on-going program to serve the social, cultural and recreational needs of its members;
That the Cote-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grace Borough Council congratulate Barbados on its 50th anniversary of independence;
That the Borough Council provide best wishes to Montrealers of “Bajan” origin and heritage as they celebrate this milestone.
In 2012, Rotrand and Copeman sponsored similar congratulatory motions for Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago to mark the 50th anniversary of nationhood for those countries.
Pictured: Mayor Russell Copeman and Councillors Lionel Perez, Peter McQueen and Marvin Rotrand.
Barbados 50th Recognized by NDG-Cote-des-Neiges