Black Leadership

Black Leadership

Although I intended this message to be for everyone, it is tailored specifically to suit the Black leaders. On a cautionary note, Black leaders are herein defined as more...

Policing Blacks: The Reality And Truth Lies Within Its Root

Policing Blacks: The Reality And Truth Lies Within Its Root

Last week Toronto’s Police Chief James Ramer apologized to the public, following revelation of the police’s own analysis, and what has been known to all and sundry from time...

Children do not need their fathers to be  perfect, they just need them to be there

Children do not need their fathers to be perfect, they just need them to be there

With Father’s Day fast approaching, it is important that fathers are once more made aware amidst the challenges and struggles, the importance of a father’s role and the joys...

The Moral stances and philosophies that  drive America’s lax gun policies

The Moral stances and philosophies that drive America’s lax gun policies

America will suffer pain again and again as long as she chooses to willfully ignore the impact of white supremacy and the easy access to arsenals and ammunition. A...


Mental Health Week recently concluded. What has been done in schools, colleges and universities regarding the mental wellness of students? Canada has recently celebrated Mental Health Week, May 2...

A Tribute to Mothers

A Tribute to Mothers

We ought to honor Moms , because this is the first commandment that comes with a direct promise… Exodus 20:12. In the arena of philosophy, it is said that...

The “ Ism” and “Schism” of Colorism

The “ Ism” and “Schism” of Colorism

During my childhood and post pubescence period I was no stranger to how often the term “light skinned” or “dark skinned” was used to identify, categorize or stereotype people...

The Absence Of Diversity In The Canadian Judiciary has a long history

The Absence Of Diversity In The Canadian Judiciary has a long history

Once again the issue regarding absence of diversity in the judiciary system has reared its ugly intractable head; this time with a call coming from one of its own...

Racism even in the midst of crisis

Racism even in the midst of crisis

Permit me to be as pellucid as possible so that no misunderstanding or misapprehension arises. First I am in no way, shape or form trying to convert the tragedy...

Having a Say on International Women’s Day

Having a Say on International Women’s Day

On March 8, the world celebrated the female gender in observance of International Women’s Day. It was an opportunity to spread awareness about women’s empowerment and gender parity. The...