Reduce violence on Montreal streets

Reduce violence on Montreal streets

Along with the reports and headlines’ domination of the marked rise in violence on Montreal streets, comes the tired narrative that combating the problem requires greater funding for police...

The Miseducation of Canada

The Miseducation of Canada

Pervasive in the imagination of most Canadians is the legend of the Underground Railroad, and the image of Canada as a promised land for American slaves. From stories to...

Special Features


Vaccination is defined as “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” And vaccines are products that produce that immunity. Amidst...

Your Coffee is Spying on You

Your Coffee is Spying on You

In Canada Tim Hortons is ubiquitous. It is roughly three times more numerous than Mc Donald’s with a total of 4,300 branches. And Tim Hortons is watching. According to...

Labeling in School: Enabling or Disabling?

Labeling in School: Enabling or Disabling?

Parents be wary about the school “label” that says your child is not learning capable. As a retired adherent of the pedagogical profession especially at the secondary school level,...

Black Leadership

Black Leadership

Although I intended this message to be for everyone, it is tailored specifically to suit the Black leaders. On a cautionary note, Black leaders are herein defined as more...

Policing Blacks: The Reality And Truth Lies Within Its Root

Policing Blacks: The Reality And Truth Lies Within Its Root

Last week Toronto’s Police Chief James Ramer apologized to the public, following revelation of the police’s own analysis, and what has been known to all and sundry from time...

Children do not need their fathers to be  perfect, they just need them to be there

Children do not need their fathers to be perfect, they just need them to be there

With Father’s Day fast approaching, it is important that fathers are once more made aware amidst the challenges and struggles, the importance of a father’s role and the joys...

The Moral stances and philosophies that  drive America’s lax gun policies

The Moral stances and philosophies that drive America’s lax gun policies

America will suffer pain again and again as long as she chooses to willfully ignore the impact of white supremacy and the easy access to arsenals and ammunition. A...


Mental Health Week recently concluded. What has been done in schools, colleges and universities regarding the mental wellness of students? Canada has recently celebrated Mental Health Week, May 2...