From banking to real estate Egbert Gaye According to Pamela Dass, as much as it is an exhilarating business to be in, being a real estate broker can sometimes...
Bible-Way Pentecostal Events Cross Border” shopping On Saturday June 6 join Bible-Way Pentecostal for their “Cross Border” shopping in Water Town, N.Y. Cost will be $45 per person, bus...
New Christian Bookstore Now Open If you are looking for Bibles and faith resources from your favorite authors like: Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar and others, visit EGFM/Faith...
Jazz & the Civil Rights Movement Jazz & the Civil Rights Movement Lecture Series with Andy Williams How jazz artists since the 1920s contributed to social change in America...
Walking in harmony to make an impact God desires that all nationalities, colors and races live together in this world like a bunch of beautiful roses, creating a bouquet...
Butch stops all-comers at the invitational tournament Contact Staff The objective is to keep the name Kenny Rockhead alive for a long time. That, according to Ronnie Williams, is...