Attitude Is Everything!

Attitude Is Everything!

What comes to mind when you think about your
Have you ever been around people with a bad attitude? How did that make you feel?
Have you been around
people with a positive attitude? Do you remember how it felt being around that person?
How do you want people to feel when they are in your presence, uplifted or beaten down?
Winston Churchill
famously said,
“Attitude is a little thing that can make a BIG difference.”
So my question is…
Do you need an attitude adjustment?
When you decide to adjust your attitude, situations in your life will begin to change.
It will take an intentional effort, of course, but having a good attitude can change everything around you.
It takes a decision to change, an evaluation of the people that you are surrounding yourself with, and a change in the way you think about things.
Are you surrounded by constant negativity, or are you receiving a steady flow of positive vibes in your life?
“You are the master of your attitude.”
R. Bennett
You have to ask yourself, how is my present attitude serving me?
Are people drawn towards me or repelled from me?
Am I the common denominator in most conflicts?
Have friends and/or family members consistently told me I’m negative?
Your answers to these questions will determine your next steps.
Change is possible if you want to change.
Decide that you will begin to release all the negativity in your life and see what happens!
Having a positive attitude doesn’t mean that everything is always perfect in your life; it just means that you’ve decided to look beyond life’s imperfections and remain optimistic.
Release that old way of thinking and make room for new positive experiences.
We can retrain our minds, and we do have the power to change our attitudes, but it requires deliberate work.
Remember: The distance between the person that you are now and the person that you’d like to become is separated only by your thoughts, your actions, and your words.
It is your attitude, but it affects everyone around you, either in a negative way or a positive one.
If you want to begin to change what’s going on around you, you’ll have to start to change what’s happening within you.
You have a new life chapter to write, which looks nothing like your past.
Make a decision to change your attitude and work at it every day. It won’t happen immediately, but you will begin to notice a positive difference in your life.
You’ve got this!
Attitude is everything!
“A cheerful heart is good medicine.”
Proverbs 17:22
