Airport Arrival

Airport Arrival

“How to reduce stress before arriving at the airport.”

Check your email for departure check in:
Most airlines send a flight reminder 24 to 48 hours before departure. Once received, you can check-in online, select a seat (non-reserved), and print or download your boarding pass. If you contact the airline by phone to make changes, they might not be able to override the system and you will have to see an agent at the airport.

Read your airline ticket (contract of carriage):
Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) created Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR) to ensure minimum airline obligations towards passengers. The airline is held responsible for delays, disruptions, and cancellations within the airline’s control notwithstanding safety concerns. Each airline has policies separate from APPR that differ in how compensation vouchers and refunds are handled. Booking with a travel agency or purchasing travel insurance could provide additional benefits.

Arrive early with a backup plan:
Airlines have the legal right to overbook. If seats are required and no one volunteers to give up their seat, the last person to check-in may be the first to be “involuntarily denied boarding” or “bumped.” Late airport check-in classified as “no-show” may incur ticket cancellation and rebooking fees. If you arrive at the departure gate late, airline personnel can legally deny entry to board if the aircraft is deemed closed.

Stay calm and know your rights:
Contrary to official public statements, racial profiling is common for black travellers. Sophisticated security cameras and advanced video technology monitor activity both inside and outside the airport. Your body language can be misinterpreted and attract further scrutiny if you appear nervous or stressed. Maintain your composure if you feel singled out or unfairly targeted by a security officer.
Unruly behaviour or failure to comply with travel requirements can be grounds for intervention. Aéroports de Montréal (ADM) is in partnership with law enforcement agencies who will not hesitate to use their power to detain and arrest.

Don’t give anyone a reason to ruin your vacation!

Next up:
Luggage Restrictions
“Pack without bringing the kitchen sink.”

Eleitha Haynes
Retired Federal Government employee with years of experience as a Border Services Officer.
“The author assumes no responsibility or liability for errors or omissions in the content of this document.”